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The shock of the reveal was still there, but the awkwardness between the two deflated as time passed by. They had come to terms not to spill out their identities, even to their closest friends, nor will they address each other by their hero names in front of a large group of people. They have also agreed to keep their civilian relationship in order not to raise any suspicions, especially now since rumor has it that Hawk Moth has eyes everywhere in Paris.

Presently, the two continued on with their tutor sessions, feeling comfortable more than ever. Marinette was not stammering anymore and could utter more than one sentence without saying stupid things in front of Adrien, while Adrien, well...let's just say he turned into a 'Marinette', if you know what I mean. The teen model couldn't stop his heart from beating against his rib cage and the fluttering butterflies in his stomach every time he caught sight of her, especially now that he knows she is Ladybug. He unconsciously smiled at the thought that he will be out of the hospital by tomorrow, as stated by his doctor, and he will be able to spend more time with her.

Well, undercover, that is. He wouldn't want the tabloids or the newspapers with their faces on it. He didn't want to expose Marinette to the world... even though she practically is.

"Okay, next question: What are nucleic acids made of?" questioned Marinette to the daydreaming teen model. Once she noticed that he wasn't responding, she looked up from the book and called out to him as she stared at his eyes. He merely stared at her dreamily as he sighed contentedly, making the heroine sigh.

His Chat Noir side was showing.

She brought her hand to his forehead and flicked, snapping his train of thoughts. He winced in pain and rubbed his forehead as he pouted, "Milady! That wasn't very nice of you. How could you hurt an already hurt man?" 

Marinette rolled her eyes and shut the book on her lap. "Come on, Adrien. Cut the 'Chat Noir' attitude and take this seriously. For your information, as soon as you return to school, it's exam day. So please, stop staring at me and start focusing on what's important."

"But you're important to me, Ladybug~" he stated dreamily, making Marinette slap her palm to her forehead and shake her head in disbelief. "Really, Chat? You still have time to flirt?" she asked him irritably, to which he meowed in response.

Once she was sure he was serious, she cleared her throat and continued, "Again, what are nucleic acids made of?" He excitedly bounced in his bed and raised his hand like in recitation, "Ooh! Ooh! I know!"

She giggled and thought of how dorky he is. She called for him to answer, like a teacher would. He held his chin high and placed both of his hands on his hips, saying with pride, "Nucleic acids are made of Nucleotides!" 

Marinette clapped her hands and congratulated him as he bounced up and down, much to Marinette's scolds. "Adrien, calm down! You wouldn't want extending your stay here, right?" she told him as she grabbed a hold of his shoulders and pushing him back onto the bed. He rapidly shook his head, saying, "No, of course not! Unless..." 

A mischievous grin escaped his lips as he leaned forward to Marinette's face, making her blush a bit. Oh come on, he's still Adrien! The boy that she loves! "U-Unless what?" she stammered, for the first time in forever. His gaze shifted down to her lips from her blue bell eyes, "Unless I get to have you nurse me to health, staying here wouldn't be a problem!"

Marinette pushed him away and crossed her arms over her chest, the grin on Adrien's face not disappearing. "Get well soon, Kitty. By the way..." she trailed off, making Adrien tilt his head in curious like a cat would. She made her way to her bag and gathered her things inside, "Nathaniel would be coming today. I figured that the two of you should talk so... well, you could clear things up."

Adrien hissed and turned away; he was disappointed that he wouldn't be having her all to himself today. Just as he could be with his love for the rest of the day, fate decided to make him feel... like this. Once he came to his senses, he gently pinched himself. No, he shouldn't think that way towards Nathaniel. After all, he's just a friend. 

Just a friend.

Just a friend who likes the person he likes also.

Just a friend who is friends with and tutors the person they both like.

Just a friend who-- 

"Will steal my precious from me!" he exclaimed angrily as he gnawed his sheets unconsciously. 

Marinette and Nathaniel stood side by side as they stared at the mad boy in front of them in surprise. They shared glances with each other and shrugged, not really sure what to do with him. Nathaniel just arrived when he started to act absolutely weird, to the point he was somehow meowing and hissing. Marinette told him that it was just the effect of the medicines the hospital was giving him, but being the rational person he is, he didn't believe her and went along with it instead.

Marinette cleared her throat to catch the boy's attention. Adrien stopped his cat-like actions and stared at them for a moment or two, and immediately reverted to his normal self. He whistled innocently as his eyes frantically moved everywhere across the room.

"H-Hello there, Nathaniel! I didn't notice that you entered!" he chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. Nathaniel smiled and waved at him, saying, "H-Hi Adrien. Are you feeling well?"

"Me? Oh, yes! I am indeed feeling well!"

Marinette smiled as she watched the two converse with each other from the far corner of the room. Adrien seemed unusual, but he was still fine, while Nathaniel seemed to be more calm. It made her feel relieved that they were in good terms, despite of the incident days ago. But still, Marinette couldn't shake the thought of the feeling of worry for Adrien.

She shook her head and sighed deeply. No, it must be her. Now that she knows he's Chat Noir, it's only natural for her to feel that way.

She whipped her head to the side once she felt someone tug one of her pigtails behind her, seeing a panicking Tikki. Her eyes were wide and her tiny body was shaking, worrying Marinette. She expected to see Plagg beside her, but the black kwami was nowhere in sight. "What's wrong, Tikki? And where's Plagg?" questioned Marinette to the kwami.

She broke into tears. "That's it, Marinette... Plagg d-d-disappeared!"

Author's note:

Hello everyone!

Okay, so this chapter was short. Well, that's because I've resorted to making the chapters 1000 or 2000 words only. Why? Well, it's because it is what authors advice. I'm so, so sorry about that. Also, about this chapter, we've got a jelly Adrien and... Plagg disappeared. And... Marinette's worried about who-knows-what.

Guys, thank you so, so much for making this book #599 in Fanfiction (although it went to #708) But I believe that we can raise this up again in the What's Hot list in the Fanfiction genre! We can do this guys! Also, thank you so, so much for voting, commenting, reading, and supporting 'Tutor Sessions'! You guys rock!

Also, since each and every one of you have been really nice to me, if anyone out there wants me to review or check out their book, just message me! I'll give you insights about it ;) 

Once again, thank you and have a nice day!

let's see what happens...


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