Chapter 1: Celebration

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Ettrian twirled Maegden about him in a celebratory spin. Maegden felt drunk on the many emotions that spun through her mind. In one day she died as a human, became a faerie by way of ancient magic, married a king and saved two realms from utter destruction. The music played a quick melody that seemed out of time. All the faeries at the reception danced happily beneath the oak and birch tress of the meadow. Doron-Gol clapped his branches together. The smell of the white roses was intoxicating. Maegden couldn't help but smile knowing that what she had done helped so many humans and faeries. King Ettrian pulled Maegden close to him. He leaned close to her ear and whispered softly. "I need to speak with you after the reception. Will you meet me in our royal garden at the palace afterward?" Ettrian pulled his face away enough to view her expression. His blue eyes were a dark blue like the sea before a storm.

"Of course I will. Is everything alright?" Maegden felt fear creeping in as she stared up at her husband that she had met just today.

"Everything is perfect my queen. Do not fret. I just feel that there are some things that we need to discuss regarding this new union." Ettrian reassured Maegden with a kiss on her cheek. His lips were warm and soft as they grazed her cheek. She felt the heat rise in her face. He pulled back and Maegden smiled at her exquisite faerie king.

She felt that everything was moving much quicker than she had expected. Two of Ettrian's royal faerie guard escorted Maegden back to Brethel-Athan. "Your Majesty, please sleep well." One of the guards bowed and opened the door to a magnificent bed chamber. The door closed behind her before she had the chance to say thank you. Maegden stared around in awe at the sheer opulence of the room. The walls didn't have mere paintings hanging on them, the walls were the paintings. The entire room was full of beautiful murals that told the story of faerie life. Maegden marveled over the detail of the carved vine work of the four poster bed. The posts had ivy, birds and butterflies carved into the wood. Even the sheer window coverings were delicate and superior in their making. Maegden approached the open floor to ceiling glass doors. There was a stone balcony overlooking the garden below. The scent of roses and night blooming jasmine hit her full force as she crossed the threshold. Maegden looked out over the expanse of blooms. The colors shone vibrantly beneath the two moons. "Wait what!? There are two moons in this realm. Its so pretty." Maegden couldn't stop feeling amazment at the world of Olomelle. Maegden leaned against the terrace balustrade. The stone was smooth and cool to the touch. The scent of the roses reminded Maegden of her human mother in the realm of Earth. Tears suddenly stung her eyes, blurring her vision. She flew up and over the garden then toward the gazebo. She landed gently and stepped beneath the gazebo's archway. There she let the tears come, and come they did in the form of heaving sobs. 

"Why are you crying my beauty?" A strange cawing came in the form of a nearly human voice. Startled Maegden turned to see a beautiful raven eyeing her curiously. He bobbed his head and let lose a loud caw. "Why is someone as enchanting as yourself crying on a night so full of magic?" The raven asked. 

"Did you just speak or am I just tired?" Maegden gasped afraid that the raven might actually answer her question. She stared into the raven's eyes. They were dark and full of intelligence beyond that of a simple animal. The raven began strutting across the gazebo railing. He looked up at the night moon and cawed. Maegden laughed then. The sight was strange to look at. If the raven had been a wolf it would have been one thing but he was a raven cawing at the moon instead of a wolf howling. "You are a handsome raven. I wish I had some crumbs or seed to give to you." Maegden stated as she walked closer to the large black bird.

"I do not require food right now, but I thank you faerie. Why were you so sad a moment ago? Are you not the new queen of faerie kind?" The raven asked simply.

"I am new to this realm and I felt a bit overwhelmed with my circumstances. There are some things and people that I will miss. At the same time I am very thankful to King Ettrian for allowing me the opportunity he has given to me." Maegden realized that she really and truly was thankful to her new husband. He had saved her life. "What brings you to this garden? Better yet what may I call you?"

"I have never been called anything. I do not remember anything before lighting upon this railing. I think you might call me Craban. That is the name for beasts such as myself, so it seems fitting does it not?" The raven stared at Maegden awaiting a response. 

"Craban, it is then." She smiled and tentatively reached forward and stroked the raven's feathers on his back. Maegden thought that the feathers felt like silk. They were so soft. She smiled at the bird. Footsteps could be heard approaching then. Maegden turned expecting to see the king but in place there were three of the palace guards.

The one in front took a knee while the other two looked about cautiously. "Your highness, it is urgent that we go back inside the palace. The king is missing." He reached forward to gently guide Maegden toward the castle. She turned and Craban flew up and soared over the garden. He disappeared in a copse of nearby elm trees. Maegden allowed the guards to escort her inside. Isyivel came rushing toward them asking the guards all sorts of questions.

"Everyone stop!" Maegden lost composure and broke free of the guards hands. "What exactly do you mean by the king has disappeared. Why? Where is he? Today is our day of binding as you put it. How could he leave me like this?" She didn't know why but fear crept in and she didn't like the thought of her king not being close enough to protect her.

"Sister, please we will find him. They have found the traces of troll magic in the woods surrounding the meadow where the binding ritual was held. He is my brother. I will not let those foul creatures take his life as they did my mother and father." Isyivel had a strong look of determination on her face.

Maegden sank to the floor in bewilderment. How could everything crumble so quickly, she had only just arrived in this new and exciting world? She had bound herself to the king to save the realms, if they killed him the worlds would once again become unbound. It would all be for nothing if they couldn't find him and the ones she had left behind in the human realm would suffer too. Maegden came to terms with her situation and rose from the floor. Her eyes grew dark as she stared at the mosaic pattern on the floor of the hall. She looked the lead guard in the eyes. "Organize your men. Search the perimeter and fan out into the woods. I want my husband found before he is harmed. That is an order from your queen." Maegden walked away toward where she knew her bedroom was. Isyivel smiled in her direction and headed after the guards to lead the search.

Maegden felt a gnawing darkness in the pit of her stomach. The sweating started as she reached her chamber door. The pain in her lower back was dull, heavy and all too familiar. She knew that if they didn't find him soon then her state of existence might be in jeopardy. The transformation would only hold if he were near. Maegden shut her door and gripped her stomach. The sharp pain took her breath. She looked toward the open door to see the raven, Craban land on the balcony rail. She hobbled out the open door into the moonlight. Maegden stretched her hand out. She collapsed on the balcony, falling into a fitful dream of terror and darkness.

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