I don't like Granger

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"Hermione he's not worth it!" Ron called out to the bushy haired witch as she raised her wand to Malfoy's chin.

Hermione turned away but came back full force and punched him in the nose.

That was in Calypso's third year at Hogwarts.

Draco swore that day he was going to get her back. That filthy little mudblood as he called her, but as he sat in the common room later that evening and started to doze off. There was only one thing he kept saying over and over again as he smiled. "Hermione."

Three years later

"Why don't you tell Granger you like her?" I asked.

Draco started choking on his green apple. "What the hell did you just say?"

I was sitting on the chair opposite him reading through some books when he slammed his hand on it. "What the hell did you say!"

I wasn't frightened. I was used to anger issues now being around Leo, so I calmly took a breath and continued. "Hermione. I hear you say her name whenever you fall asleep on the couch. Which is almost everyday since she punched you in the nose."

Draco's face went white. "I don't like Granger. She's a filthy little mudblood. She is so annoying and a know it all. She makes me sick."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well if you want to fight it then."

He took the book from my hands and deliberately closed it so I would have trouble finding my page and stared at me. "You keep your trap shut. If I hear that you've spread rumours around about me liking Granger then there will be hell to pay."
I decided to keep my mouth shut since I didn't need anymore drama coming between our 'acquaintance.'

That day was the first Quidditch match with Ron playing keeper. As Ron stood in the Gryffindor common room I stood with Hermione and Harry. When Lavender decided to make her move on the Weasley, Hermione felt herself wanting to tear someone's hair out.

She left the room in a hurry and I followed her. I kept going until she turned around. "Please leave me alone Calypso. I really need to be alone."

I nodded and started walking off but not before seeing a certain blonde slicked back hair hiding around the corner.

I went into the Slytherin common room and sat on the main couch when five minutes later a thundering Draco came in.

He was muttering some horrid words under his breath and I could only manage to hear. "Bloody Weasel....How could Hermione...Why him."

He thundered into his room and slammed the door leaving myself sitting on the couch thinking to myself. "Mr Malfoy. One way or another you are going to quite this act, and you are going to get Hermione Granger."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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