The Letter

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Seven years ago...

Leo Valdez was eleven years old when he received his letter. It looked old and light with a bumpy stamp on the back with the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry crest.

Leo was sitting in his room when the owl chucked the letter on his bed. He fell back in fright as it flew in and swiftly flew out.

He did not want to wake his parents who were having an afternoon nap. Leo hastily opened the letter and read it as fast as he possibly could and felt his breath get stuck in his throat as he heard a voice from his door.

"Leo, open the door."

He slowly opened the door to a man with jet black hair coming down some of his back. His piercing yellow eyes made Leo quiver in fear.

His dad spotted the letter and snatched it from his grasp. "Hogwarts? Well I guess it'll have to do." He put the letter on the dresser and grabbed Leo by the collar. "Now listen boy, you're parents died quite a while ago yes? But I know who they were."

Leo gulped and his dad set him down on the bed. "They were wizards. Fighting a war against the most powerful wizard of all." He licked his teeth in such a devilish way Leo had to move away from him a bit. "They never stood a chance, but now I can show you the right path."

He grabbed his jacket coat and lifted his sleeve showing a weird skull and snake monster.

Leo sat forwards and stared at it. It felt like it was sucking all the happy thoughts from his mind and turning them evil. It was a powerful thing.

His dad grinned in an evil way. "You like it?"

Leo just stared, not in enjoyment but because he just couldn't look away. It was moving!

His dad put the sleeve over his arm and grabbed a weird stick from his pocket. "One day you will have it too, and march forward with the dark lord to destroy all Mudbloods and Half-Bloods."

"What's that?"

His dad chuckled. "They are horrid people who you will never be associated with. You are a pure blood. You've been brought up around pures so now you're one."

Leo didn't realise he had been clutching the sheets of his bed a bit too hard and his hand had gone numb.

"We go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get your things."

He started storming out but before he did he turned around and pointed a long and wrinkly finger at Leo. "One more thing. You are never to talk to that girl again."

Leo looked puzzled trying to hide the fact he knew exactly what he meant. "Who?"

His dad slapped the back of Leo's head. "Don't be dumb. What's her name? Cal? You are never to see her again. She's a Mudblood."

And with that he left, leaving Leo completely shot to pieces in multiple ways, but the only one he could think about right now was that he could never talk to his best friend again.
Present day...

Annabeth was sitting in charms class staring at Percy. He looked over at her for a second and they quickly turned away. She felt her heart quicken and she accidentally snapped her quill.

Professor Flitwick turned to her and crossed his arms. "Are you alright miss Chase?"

She smiled. "Yes sir. Sorry."

He chuckled. "Don't suppose you know the spell to fix your quill?"

Annabeth raised her eyebrows and smirked. "Reparo." Her quill fixed itself immediately and she smiled in delight.

"Five points to Ravenclaw." Professor Flitwick announced and Annabeth not knowing Percy was staring at her the whole time with a smirk looked over at him and smiled.

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