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Calypso didn't understand. "Dragon what?"

Paul laughed. "Diagon Alley kiddo. That's where you get your stuff for school!"

Calypso's ears perked at the word school and immediately became more interested and excited. "I've never been to school! Ava would give us some lessons on how to read but that was it."

Jacinta half smiled as if she didn't like the idea and put her arms around her stomach. "Well this is a different type of school. One where you learn magic."

Paul grabbed her arm. "Yeah magic! I went there when I was a boy. I was in a house called Gryffindor."

Calypso just laughed. "You're funny."

Paul scrunched his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Magic? Gryffindor? You're joking aren't you? You're starting to sound like Leo."

Calypso felt a knife pierce multiple sections of her soul as she said his name. She forgot about him for almost a whole day and only now did she realise that her life was so incomplete without her knowing again.

Paul raised an eyebrow. "Ohh who's this Leo?"

"No one." Calypso answered quickly. A little too quickly.

"He doesn't sound like no one." Jacinta joined in.

"I just don't want to talk about it."

They both softly smiled and nodded.

Trying to change the subject Calypso smiled. "So is this real?"

Paul nodded. "Oh yes it is."

Calypso didn't want to get her hopes up but also wanted to jump around the room crazily. "What house were you in?"

Calypso turned to Jacinta who looked as if she saw a ghost. "Oh umm I was in umm A house called Ravenclaw."

Paul gave her a hug as she started to softly sob. "It's ok honey it's ok."

She stopped and smiled at Calypso. "How about I help you unpack and we can get you ready for tomorrow?"

Calypso who was unsure of what to make of the situation just nodded her head.

Paul headed out of the room with the letter in his hand and closed the door leaving the girls to unpack.

"I'm sorry for mentioning the magic place Jacinta." Calypso said quietly.

"It's ok. I feel like I should tell you."

She sat on the bed and motioned for Calypso to join her.

"When I was in my last year of Hogwarts Paul and I had a potions class. With lots of bottles and cauldrons."

Calypso listen very intrigued with all this magic talk.

"Well one day when we were making a potion I accidentally put something wrong in it and it exploded. I was thrown against the wall and a rock fell from the ceiling, and before anyone could do anything it crushed my stomach flat. I cannot have children because of that accident but I gained an amazing husband, and now you."

Calypso didn't know what to say. That's a good silver lining? No that's stupid. At least you didn't die. No that's still stupid.

"I'm very sorry Jacinta."

Jacinta smiled. "You can call me mum if you'd like."

"Ok mum."

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