The Summer Heat

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The Summer Heat

Chapter One

“Ohmygod I'm gonna miss you guys so much,” Lauren says hugging Jessica and I, as she and her older brother Jack get ready to board the flight to Australia. They’ll meet their parents who left earlier that summer and cruise all over the world for most of the summer then travel to different places.

“I can’t believe this, it’ll be the first summer we don’t spend together,” She says flustered, “Bryan take care of Jessica while I'm gone, you guys better not sit around all day, make sure you do something fun but not too much fun without me babe” she says placing her hands on my shoulder and kissing me tenderly. Jessica and I have been dating for eight months now, it wasnt my choice like but that's a long story.

“I can take care of myself!” Jessica says punching me in the arm.

“Jessica, don’t give Bryan such a hard time, this trip will be good for you guys to learn to accept each other for who you are.”

“Groan, groan, groan, you sound like a lame empowering speaker,” Jessica says in a joking manor. 

“Thanks Lauren, Jessica is in good hands.” I say putting my arm on her shoulder. She shoves it off, and glares at me.

“Flight 30911 from LAX to Queensland,Australia, will be departing in 30 minutes, please board in the next ten minutes.” Says a female voice over a large speaker above, breaking our glare off.

“I guess that’s us,” Lauren says hugging us both one more time, and kissing me again.

“Guys please keep, Amente De Cala, clean, locked at night, and pretty. “Amante De Cala is a beach house my father bought for us to have in the summer before he passed, it was a graduation present. It’s Spanish I don’t know what it stands for, never really paid attention in Spanish class. We all lived there, even Jack, Lauren's older brother, until they left; now it was just me and Jessica. We watch them until we can no longer see them, and then start to head to my car.

“Hey give me the keys, I wanna drive.” Jessica says reach for me when we reach my black Dodge Ram.

“No, you don’t get you’re license until next week, besides you don’t even know how to get to Amante De Cala from here” I say pulling away from her and walking to the other side.

“I have my license, I'm just waiting for my card to process, now give me the keys, and so what you have a GPS besides what does that mean in English?” She asks stepping closer trying to change the subject. “I just got this car two weeks ago, and you think I'm gonna let you wreck it, I haven’t even got to enjoy it yet, and why would I know you know I never paid attention in Spanish!” I say this makes her shut up, I go around open the door and step into the driver’s side and close the door.

She crosses her arms outside of the truck, and stands there looking at me. I start the ignition and she continues to stand there. I roll down the window. “Jessica get in the car!”

“Make me,” she says smirking like a child.

“Is that really what you want?” I ask smiling as I unbuckle my seat belt and open the door, locking it before I get out. “More than anything else,” she says and tries to make a run and get in the drivers side, but I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder before she can get anywhere and go to the passenger side. She squeals, I open the door and put her in the seat and buckle it up and run to the other side before she can get in the drivers seat.

“Finally,” I say as I sit in the seat and turn on the A/C closing the windows. Jessica is quiet as we pull out of the parking lot. I start to panic- did I hurt her? Is she mad?

“Are you okay?”

“I'm in pain; I think you just bruised my boob.” She says looking down at them, I glance my eyes. “Don’t look,” she says seriously. “Is it really bad? Should I pull over?” I ask worried and slightly scared.

“Ow! Oh my god, I think it’s bleeding,” a red color starts to seem through her white graphic tee. “Jessica I’m so sorry,” I say as I pull over into a small gas station near a sign saying “Welcome to Los Angeles,California.” I get out of the car and walk around to her side.

“Look,” she says lifting her shirt up showing revealing white a purple polka dot bra one I remember her purchasing at Victoria Secret, this gets my attention. Before I can take it all in she then kicks me, where it hurts, and scoots over into the driver’s seat. Gaining my stance after getting the wind kicked out of me, I look up she’s already in the driver’s seat. Her shirt still pulled up 

“Come on cowboy, I have a lot planned today we need to hurry back.” She says smiling like a little girl.

“Ow! I don’t think I'm going to be having kids,” I say in a strained tone of voice as in get in the car.

“SO! I think my implant is popped!” she says angrily, as she clutches her chest.

“You have implants? I knew something happened mid- junior year during winter break!” I say laughing.

“I don’t have implants you chum-bucket, these are all natural,” she bounces up and down, and I try not to look. She starts to drive completely opposite of how I thought she would, like a totally crazy and maniac but instead she drives not too fast at a moderate pace.

“Well, what’s the blood for then?” she laughs. “That’s ketchup, you’re such an intent driver I put it on there when we left the airport and you didn’t even look over.” She laughs hysterically but still keeping both hands on the steering wheel.

“You did all that just to drive?” I ask taking my eyes away from her, laughing slightly.

“Yup,” she says proudly. I sigh, and then start to laugh even more. I can tell already, this is going to be the longest summer I’ve ever had in my entire life.


End Notes

Hello, my name is Hannah Sarah! I loveeee this website have the app on my phone, anyway this is my first story and I hope you all love it, its not boring its awesome so please give it a chance and give me a chance, I shall not let you down! 

Make sure you become a fan of me and vote, vote, vote people!

See ya soon


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