Love~Love Paradise

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Y/n pov
I was hanging out with Zane Aphmau Garroth Lucinda kawaii~chan and Katelyn but I heard aph and Zane argue over something

Aphmau:it's now fair I should've won this round

Zane:that's what you get for being to cocky

Aphmau:Shut up

Garroth:*laughs* hmm now let's see

I was about to say something them my boyfriend know as Aaron and Dante came barging In the door

Garroth:MY DOOR!? How could you!?


Aaron:we got tickets to that amazing summer resort

Dante:the super love love paradise resort

Lucinda:take us to that place in for ever

Y/n:how in the name of Irene did you manage to get those

Aaron:well explain later we have to go right now

Y/n:huh but we need to pack

Dante:there's no time we got the tickets but the catch is we have to head out right now the plane leaves in 1 hour

Katelyn:ha there is no way I'm rushing out the door to go to some

Aphmau:the beach is calling Katelyn TOO THE AIRPORT!

__________time skip__________

We were walking to the resort but Katelyn stopped

Katelyn:I have this weird feeling were forgetting something *gasp*travis!.......meh well call him when we get to the room


We made it finally to the resort I was standing next to Aaron and admiring how beautiful the resort was

Kawaii~chan:wow this place is beautiful

Lucinda:you guys have now idea how excited I am to be in this place

Katelyn:what's so special about this place I don't see why tickets are so hard to get

Lucinda:*gasp* you incultred swine

Kawaii~chan:just take a look at this place

Zane:this is the legendary love love paradise resort

Aaron:uh and how exactly do you know that

Zane:it get advertised to girls a lot on my pony shows

Garroth:*laughs* pony shows hehe

Zane:I mean my car shows

Garroth:suuuuure~ baby brother

Lucinda:in any case  Ancient legends has is that any couple who visits this resort and manages to have a great time will end up together for ever

The Hottest Couple In Town(Aaron X reader My street) *Discontinued*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant