My Brother Is Who?! - 5sos FanFiction

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I’m Wren Hemmings; my name is thought to be rather familiar with the ‘fan girls’ in school. Apparently the lead vocalist in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer, his surname is Hemmings also. People don’t realise that there are hundreds of people out there with the same surname as you, doesn’t make you related. My close friends, who are fans of the band, always comment on how I look like him and should check my family tree and what not.

I’m 16 years old and currently studying my last year in school before I’m off to college in Sydney in July, so I’m ready to start the new term in September. Dad always says he doesn’t like the idea of leaving me to fend for myself seeing as I spend money on rubbish I forget I even had. I currently live in Britain, Wales to be exact. I live in North Wales giving me a little distinctive accent not many people pick up on.

I’m a natural blonde but I’ve dyed my hair so many times I’ve lost count. My hair colour is currently light blue, a colour my dad actually likes. I have blue eyes too, that apparently glimmer in the sunlight. I’m around 5’6 so I’m fairly tall; I come from a tall family.

Right now I only live with my dad, my mum lives in Australia with a whole new family she created herself. Her and dad broke up on mutual terms, I was around 5 years old, I lived in Sydney Australia with our family as one ... as a whole.  My parents agreed that breaking up would be the best option for us and them too. Dad said he wanted to move to Wales because of a job he had been offered, however mum wasn’t so sure. She loved Australia and didn’t want to leave it; she wanted to ignore the rest of the world as if nothing else existed. And that’s how it happened ... how I left Australia ... and how I forgot my older brother ever existed.


Burst into flames (burst into flames)

Scream in the dark (Scream in the dark)

I’m gonna light up this place,

And die in beautiful stars tonight

Does it even make a difference?

When I’m sober I feel pain

~ Props & Mayhem Pierce The Veil

I was awoken by my alarm blaring ‘Props and Mayhem’ by Pierce the Veil.  They’re my favourite band and there is no one better than them in my opinion. However, August disagrees. August Jameson. She loves pop rock bands such as 5 Seconds Of Summer, and has an unhealthy obsession with All Time Low. She has brown hair, which she’s dyed too, a light pink colour reflecting her personality very well. She has brown eyes, I’ve always found brown a ‘boring’ colour in terms of patterns, but hers definitely proved my theory wrong. She has swirls of green within her brown eyes, creating a hazel effect. Her pink curly hair lands just passed her shoulders; she usually clips her fringe back as it ‘annoys her’. Nothing to do with the fact that her crush had said she looked cute with her fringe clipped back.  She wears a lot of makeup, but not as much as the school’s Barbie; Tiffany.

She has the typical ‘slutty’ look. Blonde hair, breast job, plastered in makeup and of course the popular boyfriend. August and I watch in disgust in maths as they suck faces rather than work on the algebra problems been set on the board. Serenity Caplin, my best friend since primary school. Unlike August and I, she’s kept her natural hair colour, brown hair with hazel eyes. She likes being natural and doesn’t like makeup. She likes The Killers and Oasis, but again she’s a 5 Seconds Of Summer fan.  We’re not a popular crew, in fact it’s only us three in our so called ‘crew’. We don’t need anyone else. When I leave for Australia Serenity is coming with me, mainly because she also got accepted to the college I was attending. However, August was accepted to a college in Kentucky, she’s happy she got accepted and isn’t fazed by the distance between us.

“Wren, get up it’s a Monday!” Dad screamed from downstairs, my natural alarm. I groaned my eyes burning from the sunlight, dad must have been in earlier to open my blinds and curtain. I rolled out of bed and trotted to the bathroom to take a shower.  I walked out of the shower wrapping a fluffy white towel around myself. I opened my wardrobe and reached for my Pierce The Veil shirt, along with my black skinny jeans and combat boots. I dried and straightened my hair before adding a bit of eye liner and red lipstick. Two more weeks Wren ... two more weeks until I get to Australia ... try to hold on.

I sighed before walking downstairs to find a note stuck on the fridge.

Wren, called into work early today, I phoned into school today letting them know you were leaving, this week is your last week. Next week you have off to prepare. So enjoy this week while you can. There’s some eggs in the fridge along with some bacon love you.

~Dad xx

I smiled slightly knowing I only had a few more days in school. I decided to skip breakfast and head straight to school.

I locked my front door then walked to Serenity’s house, which was just opposite mine.

“Morning darling.” She smiled nudging me slightly.

“Morning Serenity.” I smiled hugging her.

“Have you heard?” she asked jumping around excitedly.

“Heard what?” I chuckled holding her arms.

“Luke Hemmings tweeted saying he’ll be in Australia when we’re there!” she screamed.

I nodded slightly.


“And?! This means you can finally find out about your ‘long lost brother’.” She said using air quotation marks.

“Come on Serenity, not you too.” I scoffed.

“What? You never know. You might get to introduce me to Calum.” She winked

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle before we arrived outside August’s house.

“Hello lovelies.” She sung wrapping her arms around our shoulder.

“What’s happening?” she asked.

“Just telling Wren here about how she could find out about her brother; Luke.” She smirked.

I groaned

“Guys he’s not my brother! We just have the same surname.”

They both smiled before August piped up

“So when are you seeing your brother?” She asked as we walked into the school gates.

“Um ... should be the day I arrive, mum wants us to have a small family reunion including dad.” I smiled.

“Wow, she really wants to see him again, huh?” Serenity asked walking into our registration class.

“Yeah I guess, I’ve missed her a lot you know? It costs too much to phone Australia so I don’t know much about them, I honestly can’t wait!” I exclaimed,

“Well I’m happy for you babe.” August smiled hugging me, Serenity doing also.

“Oh, this is my last week in school.” I smiled raising my fists in the air.

The girls rolled their eyes at me before giggling, and then of course the teacher walks in.

“Alright class, before we start I have a message for ... Miss Wren Hemmings. Someone is in reception to see you.” she smiled.

I grabbed my bag before waving at the girls. I walked down the halls, some pupils still scurrying to class. I pushed open the door to see dad sitting on the seats.

“Wren, there’s been a change of plan. You’re flying to Australia tomorrow, and then I’ll fly out next week. Your mum is too excited and wanted to see you soon as possible.” He smiled.

I smiled knowing I’d finally see her once again.

“Thank you!” I screamed hugging him tightly.

“So let’s get home, get you ready for the airport and we’ll leave.” He smiled opening the door for me.

 (A:N: So i've started a new story, my old one i wasn't sure about where it was going but this time i know what will happen and hopefully pans out well)

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