chapter 12

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Rae's pov.

"Rae." I heard a soft voice say. "Rae, wake up sweetie." I heard the voice say again.

"Rae, baby.. wake up please." I heard another voice say. My eyes slowly opened and i was blinded by the light. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I saw Hannah, McKenna, and my aunt standing there. We are in Hannah's house. My cute little smol bean of a daughter came and cuddled into me. I chuckled but winced in pain from it. She looked up into my eyes and stared sadly.

"It'll be ok.." I whispered. She smiled and laid her head back on my chest. I smiled and held my little girl tight even if it hurt me to do so. Hannah stood and watched sadly. My aunt did the same. They all looked so worried. They really do care about me. And I just almost died! I'm such an idiot. After this I'll make it up to them.. Somehow. I already know how I'm gonna make it up to Hannah. She'll love it so much she'll be screaming my name. *smirks*. But anywayyyy. I gotta make it up to them somehow. I reach over to grab my phone and look at the date and time. I dropped my phone when I saw it.

"I've been sleeping for two weeks!?!" I yelled out scaring MaKenna.

"Yeah. The doctor said you'd be ok to stay here and not at the hospital he'd just have to come check up on you everyday." Hannah said sadly. "I was so scared." She whispered rather quietly, I almost didn't hear it.

"Hey.. Baby.. I'm ok. See?" I said and smiled wide. she chuckled as a few tears fell.

"I know Rae..." She said in a really soft quiet voice. Does she really care that much? She's so upset..I'm such an idiot!

Hannah came up to me and laid on the bed with me cuddling into me as well. I stared into her eyes and she stared back.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered quietly.

"It's ok.. Your alive and that's all that matters.."she whispered back. She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips and I felt fireworks. She pulled away a few seconds later and rested her head on my chest next to where MaKennas head is. i had one arm wrapped around each of them as my wonderful girlfriend drifted off to sleep while my smol bean of a daughter was already fast asleep. I sat there smiling and watching them sleep.

My two beautiful girls.. I thought to myself. The pain shooting thru out my entire body was killing me. The pain came in waves and it felt like it was throbbing with every beat of my heart. I laid there in pain as my two girls slept soundly.

My ribs hurt so bad from the weight of their heads, but I tried not to let it bother me. My leg was broken but it should be fine soon, I heal kinda fast cause I've had a lot of Injuries from my father... I learned if i let those injuries hold me down id be killed. My father has tried to kill me so many times, especially when I'm injured. So I learned to heal fast and deal with the pain or I wouldn't be able to get away.

I finally fell sleep.

*** -stars for u guys to name XP

I woke up alone in my room. There was a glass of water on the desk next to the bed. I sat up wincing slightly and holding my ribs. My head spun, I was dizzy and my head as pounding. I remember the doctor saying I had a pretty bad blow to the head. I grabbed the glass of water and drink it slowly to see if it would help.

It helped a little but my head Still was spinning. Like I was in that tea cup ride at the amusement parks when you are little, but worse.

I got up holding onto the table to keep my balance and made my way to the bathroom. I did what I had to do before washing my hands and carefully walking out. I found some cruches and tried using those. I've used them plenty of times but my ribs were really hurting.

I made my way down the stairs and ended up tripping on the last step and falling on my face.

"Aghnnh" I grumbled in pain.

"Rae!?! What are you doing out of bed!" I heard my cute girlfriend say as she ran towards me. She helped me up and carried me to the couch. She held me carefully and I rested my head onto her chest. I listened to her steady heartbeat and smiled. I was laying on top of her as she held me.

As I laid there, her holding me carefully but protectively, I realized I may in fact be in love. But is love real? Does love really exist? True love? Soul mates? Or is it all just a false satisfaction people have come a custom to?

Learning of love is all we are taught. When we are young the movies we watch have love in them. Characters falling for one another.

Is love something that exist? Or do we just believe in the thought of loving someone cause that's all we were ever taught?

I ponder on this thought for another half hour, still cuddling my cute girl, when I start to get hungry. I need my strength if I want to heal faster.

"Hannah.. babe.. I'm a little hungry." I whispered. I looked up into her eyes and saw she'd been staring at me the entire time. She didnt answer she just keeps staring.

"Baaaaaaabbbeeee." I said in a little baby voice.

"Huh? Yes cutie?" She said with a smile.

"Me getting hungwey." I said in a baby voice again. She chuckled and carefully got up.

"Ill make you some food cutie." She said and she got up and walked out into the kitchen. I smiled and waited for her to return. She came back a few minutes later with a ham sandwhich. I started scarfing it down but then the pain in my ribs got worse so I slowed down. It hurt to swallow but I dealt with it.

I ate it all and again I caught her staring. She didn't bother looking away when I caught her either.

"What are you staring at?" I asked chuckling. She smiled before speaking.

"You.. Cause your so beautiful. Your perfect and I almost lost you. I almost lost the girl I love and I'm scared if I look away for even a second you'll be gone." She whispered. I blushed and cuddle into her.

"Don't worry... I won't leave.." I whispered.

"Please don't ever leave me." She whispered. I leaned up and kisses her cheek.

"I wont. I promise" I said. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Get some sleep. You need rest if you want to get better. Just relax." She whispered. I smiled and closed my eyes falling asleep in her arms. A warm feeling in my chest.

Maybe love is real.

A/N: hey guyyysssss! Long time no speak! Lol. But anyways here's a new chapter! It's kinda boring but idk what to do XD. Dont mind any typoes please! Tell me what u guys thought! Don't mind any typoes please! Byeee

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