Chapter 8

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Rae's POV.

I woke up to my daughter cuddled into my arms. I remember when she was just a baby I'd hold her as she slept. I always did the best I could to be a good mother. Nobody knew I had a child cause I left school for the longest time when I found out I was pregnant from that dick head. I don't ever want to see him or hear his name ever again. He's called me a hell lot of times... I stopped answering after the second time he called. I held my daughter tight and kissed her head as her sleepy teal eyes opened. His eyes were green and mine are blue, mix it together and she got teal. She looks a lot like me but she has blond short hair. My hair is blond but I always dye it. She had a boys haircut and dimples. She's getting so big I thought to myself. She's what now... 7? It's been so long... I wish I was there more often. She's seven.. I remember. I was ten when I had her cause of that ass hole. Fucking dick. We were in god damn middle school. I swear someday I'll rip his balls off so he can never do this to someone again. Being a parent that young was horrible. I wanted to be their for my baby but I had to go to school since I missed fucking nine months of school. The court arrested him but they didn't let the trial go out into public cause I was too embarrassed. Still... She's my little girl and no matter if she was a rape baby or not she's my little girl and I'll always try my best to be there for her... I thought to myself as I held her tight. It was around six and I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I held her tight as she sleeps soundly holding the little stuffed animal husky pup with big blue eyes I got her when she was little. She must have fell back to sleep. She was old enough to remember me giving her the stuffed animal but still very young. Around maybe four or five. I gave it to her before she went to my aunts cause I didn't feel like she was safe around my dad and my dad didn't want her in the house.

I slowly got up and went to make her some breakfast like I used to. She woke up when I was putting the scrambled eggs in the plate. She rubbed her tired eyes with her hands as she was still holding the stuffed animal by its leg. I smiled.
"Hi sweetie, how did you sleep?" I asked. She looked up at me and smiled.
"I slep betwer then I hav in a while." She said in a baby voice. I smiled and kneeled down to her.
"Princess... Your seven... Using the baby voice is cute and all but... Your getting older." I said looking at her a little sadly. She's growing up to fast... Please stop growing... I thought to myself. Wait... There's actually a mental disorder where u stop growing... Shit... Uhh.... I take that back... I bit my lip and scratched my head when I thought this.
"Ok..." She says and she kisses my forehead. I chuckle at this, she's so sweet when she wants to be. Just like her mother. Hahaha no... I'm a devil... Right? That's what my dad said. So it must be true. I put her plate in front of her and poured her some orange juice. I started making more eggs but this time made an omelet. I made two, one egg and cheese, one had little vegetable shit in it and stuff like that. I made another batch of scrambled eggs and made some bacon while I was at it. I set the plates on the table and I walked into the living room to see my beautiful girlfriend sleeping soundly. I smiled and walked over to her.

"Hey... Honey.. Wake up." I whispered. She stayed asleep. "Wake up beautiful." I said a little louder. "Alright you asked for it." I said and started tickling her. She bursted into laughter trying to push me away but I kept tickling her. She laughed and rolled off the couch onto the floor with a loud thud. I picked her up and made sure she was ok and was not hurt.
"I'm fine cutie." She said. I smiled.
"Good. Get your ass up." I said smiling.
"But.. It's sooo early." She said groaning. I smiled.
"Too bad. Get your hot ass up." I said walking away. She groaned again but blushing a little this time and followed me. My aunt came out a minute later and I got three cups. I pored Hannah and I some milk and gave my aunt some Coffey.
"Hey.. I want some Coffey." Makenna said. I raised an eyebrow at her.
"Your too young for Coffey." I said.
"But auntie lets me have some!" She said. I looked at my aunt.
"You let her have what?" I said crossing my arms.
"It's not a lot.. Just a sip every now and then." My aunt said raising her hands up like I had a gun pointed to her.
"Mommy, Don't be mad.. She only lets me have a sip..." She said. I smiled.
"Alright... As long as it's just a sip..." I said as I sat down and ate my egg and cheese omelet. It was soooo gooooodddddd. I smiled as I ate it. I haven't had one in so long. Hannah took a bite of her omelet with the veggie shit cut up into pieces. Her eyes widened and she looked at me.
"Why the hell didn't you tell me you could cook?" She asked.
"Language. There is a child present." I said smirking at her when she pouted at me.
I leaned over and kissed her cheek and she blushed and smiled looking back at her food. She bit her lip then ate it, correction, she didn't just eat it. She Inhaled it. She ate it so fast you'd think she hasn't eating in weeks. She picked up her plate and was about to go walk to the sink when I stopped her by grabbing her arm lightly.

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