Chapter 7

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Hannah's POV.

*Time skip*

It's been about five months me and Rae have been dating and it's getting close to prom. My parents now know and Meg gave up, almost. I woke up to see and sleeping Rae holding me and she had a smile on her cute face. I have a surprise for her today. I carefully got up making sure I wouldn't wake her up and I got dressed. I was in underwear and one of Rae's T-shirt. No we did not do it, we haven't yet. She has teased me A LOT though and I swear if she teases me one more time I'm gonna rip her cloths off, I just haven't been ready yet. I walked downstairs and grabbed my phone. I dialed the number and presses the phone to my ear.
"Hi, it's me Hannah."
"Ohhhh hi! How's my Rae doing?" The woman asked.
"She's alright. I wanted to know if it was possible I could bring her over today? I know she really wants to see little Makena." I said.
"Yeah! That sounds great! Makena really misses her." The woman said.
"Ok! What time would be ok?" I asked.
"Umm... How about around noon? It's 10:30 now and If I know anything about Rae it's that she is still asleep." She said. I chuckled.
"She is. And yeah I'll get her butt up and bring her, she doesn't know so don't tell her or Makena. It's a surprise." I said with a smile.
"Ok, sound good I'll see you soon Hannah. Bye!" She said and hung up the phone. I smiled and ran upstairs.
"Rae!" I yelled. She jumped up, falling out of bed onto the floor, then shot up with the blanket wrapped around her leg. I giggled.
"Whhaaaaa... What's time is it? 10:30! Why so early babe!" She said pouting.
"Cause I have a surprise for you. Now get dressed you bum!" I said chuckling. She smiled and got dressed. I made her breakfast then I got ready. She grabbed her keys but I stopped her.
"Ah ah ah. We're taking my car." I said. She groaned and kissed my head.
"Ok..." She said.
"Good girl. Now put this on." I said handing her the blindfold. She pouted and put it on and I led her to the car. She got in and got buckled up and I did too then I started driving.
"Han! Where we goiiiinnnggggg?" She whined.
"You'll see cutie." I said. She pouted but still had the blindfold on.

About twenty minutes later we arrived. I parked the car then ran to open her door helping her out. I smiled and led her too the door. I knocked on the door and the woman opened the door. We led her inside without saying a word then the lady went to go get Makena. The lady covered the girls eyes and then I took of the blindfold off her at the same time she took her hand away from Makenas eyes. Both of them smiled so wide and ran to each other.
"Mommy! I missed you!" The little girl said.
"I missed you too sweetheart." Rae said as she hugged her daughter. Even if Makena was made cause if her ex raping her.. She still loved the little girl. It was still her child and I knew how much it hurt her to be away from her baby. They hugged for a long time. When they separated the little girl led Rae to her room. Makena smiled and helped Rae's hand. Rae's aunt and I smiled and watched them. Rae looked up at me and smiled so wide. She quickly ran up to me and kissed me. "Thank you" she whispered when she pulled away. I blushes and smiled.
"No problem cutie." I said. She hugged her aunt an said thank you as well and that she missed her. She said she missed her too. Rae's aunt and me went into the kitchen and talked while Rae and Makena played in her room. We talked and laughed for hours. We couldn't hear them anymore so we went to check up on them. We found them cuddled up together fast asleep, smiles on both of their faces. We both chuckled and closed the door quietly. We went back and sat on the couch drinking some tea.

"So. Have you and Rae done it yet?" She asked. My face turned as red as a tomato.
"W-what? N-no." I stuttered out.
"You don't have to lie hun I know my Rae. She doesn't wait. She's even had a couple one night stands when her father kicked her out for the night and needed a way to calm down." She said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. She doesn't like to wait." She said.
"She's.. She has teased me. And made me horny but stopped before it got to far. She waits for when I'm ready cause she knows I'm still a virgin." I said.
"Well... Then you must be very special. She must really like you." She said. I smiled up at her. "When the time does come, if you are really special to her... She'll be gentle unless you ask for harder or rougher." She said. I blushed the entire time.
"Maybe soon..." I whispered. She chuckled.
"You guys have been dating for a while... I think your ready. You can't hide from it forever." She said. I nodded.
"Thanks... I was just kinda scared... I didn't know what would happen or if she'd leave me right after.. But I trust her." I whispered and smiled. She leaned down and kissed my head.
"She loves you. When we text or talk on the phone she always talks about you. It's no doubt that she's in love." She said with a smile. I smiled and blushed before I started to yawn. "Get some rest hun. It's late."
"Ok.. Thanks. Goodnight Allison." I said before hugging her. I laid down on the couch and she covered me with a blanket before shutting off the light and walking into her room. I smiled as I laid down but missed Rae's warmth and strong arms around me. Next time she tease me maybe I'll ask for her to do it.. I'm ready this time. She thought before she fell asleep.

A/N: HEY GUYS!! Sorry it's a short chapter. Tell me what you guys thought of this chapter. Don't mind any typos. Do you guys think she's ready? And would u like a chapter with it? Tell me what u guys think! Byeee!

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