Chapter 11

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Hannah's POV.

"Do I know you?"

Those words echoed in my head, repeating over and over again like a broken record. I didn't move. I just stared into her eyes, tears falling. "Oh wait! I know you!" She said and my eyes lit up. "Your the smart shy girl from my school! But why are you here? We've never talked." Rae said. I felt my heart shatter. Rae's aunt walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Rae.. Honey... This is Hannah." She said and looked at me with worry then back at Rae. "Your girlfriend." Rae looked confused.

"Uhh... Not she's not. I think I'd remember dating the cutest girl in school.." She said. I blushed slightly when she called me the cutest girl in school.

"Rae.. You lost your memory." Her aunt said.

"I know. It says it on the chart next to my bed." She said again with a straight face.

"Then why don't you believe us?" Her aunt asked again.

"Cause I don't think she'd be interested in me. And besides... Why would she go for me? I'm just a fuck up.. Depressed... Suicidal.. Teenager who has a kid. she probably doesn't ever wanna have kids..."

"That's not true." Me and her aunt said at the same time. Rae sighed and stares into my eyes.

"I'll try and remember..." She whispered. I couldn't help it, I jumped onto the bed and crashed my lips into hers putting as much love as I could into the kiss. She winced in pain a little but relaxed. She was surprised but she slowly let her eyes close and kissed me back. I felt my heart beat faster as Rae's arms snaked around my waist and pulled my body into hers more. My hands on her cheeks. I pulled out not wanting it to go to far and I stared into her eyes and she stared into mine. She smiled as she stared and she rested her forehead against mine. I couldn't help but smile.

"I... Remember something... I think..." She whispered.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Teasing you..." She whispered. I blushes so red and nodded.

"That happened... A lot..." I said with a chuckle. Then the doctor knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but I have some good news. She will be fine it'll just take some time for her memory to return. She can not walk for a while, her leg has been broken along with some of her ribs. It'll take some time and it'll hurt when she eats or stands so she'll need help with some things. She might go in and out of conceous news cause she got a pretty bad blow to the head her shoulder was dislocated and fractured. She is lucky the truck driver saw her there on the sidewalk and was ready to step on the breaks. If he didn't see he she Luke have definitely died." The doctor said. I smiled so wide when he said she'll be ok. "She'll be aloud to return home this afternoon. Here's the paperwork." He handed her aunt the paperwork and walked out. I looked back at Rea and saw her staring at me with a lovesick face. I blushed and smiled.

"Your beautiful..." She whispered. I blushes more and hid my face into her shoulder. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around me she winced slightly probably from her ribs. I pulled away and looked at her worriedly. She just smiled and stared into my eyes. I blushed so red and stared back. She rested her forehead against mine. "You know... Even though I lost my memory... I can still remember the warm feeling I get whenever we touch.." She whispered staring into my eyes once again.

I hid my face in her neck and blushed as red as a tomato. Makenna jumped on the bed and cuddled into her mom. Rae chuckled and wrapped her arms around both me and her daughter. We laid like that and soon we all fell asleep.

I woke up to an empty hospital bed. I got up and looked around for Rae but couldn't find her. I heard something fall in the bathroom and I walked over. I knocked on the door a few times but I answer. I sighed and opened the door walking in to see Rae struggling to put on her shirt. I blushed slightly before closing the door and running over to her.
"I... Wanted to do it by myself.. But my ribs hurt really bad.." She said as I helped her pull her shirt on. She was sitting on the floor, her leg in a rainbow cast. I then helped her slip on her pants and I carried her out into a wheelchair that was in front of her bed for when she was gonna leave. I rolled her out of the room and to her aunt who was at the front desk. We grabbed her stuff and her aunt drove her to my house.

I brought her inside and I placed her on our bed and covered her up. "The doctor said you need a lot of rest." I whispers.

"I know... But.. Han?" She whispered.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Will you.. Stay with me?" She whispered this time her being the shy one. I chuckled and cuddled into her pulling the covers over us. She smiled and passed out immediately. I held her gently but protectively. I soon fell sleep as well.

A/N: hey guyssssss! Sorry for my league of absence and the short chapter. I'm thinking of ideas! Don't mind any typos please. And I've been gone cause I have been doing school work and by time I'm done I either have to go to drivers Ed (which makes me almost pass out during it cause it's boring as hell), or I have to get up to go to karate (fun as hell but I push myself too hard and almost black out XD), orrrr I pass out cause I'm tired as fuck when I get home from school. And I just went threw a breakup so I dint have any motivation to do anything right now but I pushed thru it and wrote something for you lovely people! but anywayyyy. Yeah I've been busy. But hey! Soon I'm done with drivers Ed and hopefully I'll pass the test and get my permit, if not the oh well better luck next time. But then I might be able to work on this story more. Well... If I'm not lying in bed staring at the ceiling drowning my sorrows in chocolate and lucky charms. Well... Byeeeeeeee I'll see u guys whenever I have the motivation to get up and do something again. Bye!

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