Chapitre 6

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"Don't you think it's weird Nikki ?" "What's weird sweetie ?" "Keeping victoria in her diapers, breast feeding her?" Victoria could hear her stepmom and auntie Nikki talking before coming through from a deep sleep. "I think that's we can do in better way to love her". Brie has shame at this momment. Hey don't be shy you love her that she wear diapers or not , that's just matter of time. Ok i understand , they near to Victoria's crib. So to wake her up in sweetness Brie touching her cheeks and kiss her Victoria get up realising she'd been stripped naked and just slept in her diaper. Brie check and carressed her wet diaper before saying: "somebody needs a diaper change. Come on sweetie" Brie says softly as she takes up Victoria and lay her down on the changing mat Nikki changes her diaper with smilling on her niece : there you go baby , come down it's ok whist Brie bottle feeds her on the changing table, this made Victoria cry here she was a 22 year old woman being changed into a diaper being bottle fed with what she could only presume to be Bries breast milk. Then Brie smiles at Nikki who then Says to Victoria "do you want to know why your mom is doing this to you?" All Victoria can do is shake her head as the bottle is preventing her from talking. "You see Victoria my boyfriend John doesn't want kids and well Brie can't have kids, we decided that you were going to be our baby, during the day you'll go to collage and at home you'll be our baby girl" you understand ?" Nikki shouts right time for collage Brie then walks Victoria to her jeep to take her to collage.

AJ dragged her self out from underneath her Hulk bedsheets to shut her alarm off. She eventually wakes up fully feeling her spider man training pants. "I'm dry I've done it I'm dry" AJ screamed. She pulled down her black shorts and and threw them on her bed before running out of her bedroom, "mom I did it dad I did it I went the whole night without wetting". Then all of a sudden AJ sees her best mate Kaitlyn standing in the kitchen speaking to her mom. "Cool pants" Kaitlyn says with a smile. AJ wanted to die of embarrassment, "Kaitlyn I erm I can explain its just a bet" AJ stutters before running off crying. Kaitlyn runs after her friend. Knocking on the door Kaitlyn refuses to give up so she tries one more way to get AJ to open "I couldn't care if you wear them I was friends with you before I found out" and with that AJ opens up her door still in her spider man training pants and spider man T-shirt. "When?" AJ said still visibly embarrassed, "the pizza parlour, you used the toilets, we hadn't had a customer for most of the afternoon and the training pants were still wet" Kaitlyn explained. After AJ and Kaitlyn had breakfast they went there separate ways, AJ went to collage knowing she'd see Kaitlyn later and and her secret would be kept. AJ spent about 20 minutes on the bus reading her new comic she'd picked up earlier, then Taylor and Selena got on "best stay away Taylor or water might get spilt" Selena says nastily "ha good one" Taylor tells Selena before throwing AJ a note, AJ opened it up to read and her eyes nearly popped "AJ I'm sorry for wrecking your picture but it was Selena's and Miley's idea to make it up to you I can get you 2 tickets to visit the Marvel and DC Universe comic factory and they'll make you a personalised comic, oh and I shouldn't tell you this Selena's going to try and pull yours and Victoria's pants down later, Taylor" all AJ done was turn around and smile at Taylor.

When Victoria got to collage she saw Roman waiting, "hey we gotta stop meeting like this" he says as Victoria gets out the jeep, "do you mind if I walk you to class?" Roman asks shyly, Victoria couldn't believe it her crush was walking her to class, a short time later they get to class were AJ is frantically pacing as soon as Victoria turns up AJ just looks at her, but it was the type of look that said I need a word. "I'll see you at lunch" Roman says. "What's the problem AJ?" Victoria asks. "Selena she's going to try and pull our pants down". Victoria stood their in shock before saying "so we're both wearing panties right?" Victoria didn't know AJ wore training pants and AJ didn't know Victoria wore diapers. "Erm well here's the thing" AJ said biting her lips, "promise me you won't tell anybody?" AJ asks. "I promise" Victoria answered, "at night I wear training pants because I wet the bed and well recently I've been wetting during the day, so I'm wearing training pants now" and all of a sudden AJ pulls her pants down a bit to revel her Spider-Man training pants. Victoria just stood there in amazement, then she decided to cheer April up and confess "that's nothing I've got the real thing on" and all of a sudden Victoria pulled her pants down to show AJ her princess diaper. AJ couldn't believe it and gives her friend a hug, "do you think we should tell Rita?" AJ asks. Victoria pulled out her phone to check the time, "let's go find her" she says and with that they desperately went looking for Rita hoping to find her before Selena found them. Little did they realise they had been seen by Taylor.

"So I wrecked AJs picture now will you tell me?" Taylor begged. "Oh ok a deals a deal" Selena finally caved in. "Ok so a few days ago I had to look after Victoria and you'll never guess what she had on" Selena begins, "let me guess a diaper?" Selena looked on in shock, "wait how did you know?" Selena asks. "Well I went to biology to look for you and I saw her pulling her pants down to show AJ hers" Taylor explains, "wait what, what are you on Taylor?" some how Taylor managed to confuse Selena, "and you say I'm the dumb one, look forget I said anything"

"Look there she is" AJ cries as they see Rita sitting in the cafeteria. "Hey ladies" Rita says, "Rita we have a little problem" Victoria says concerned, "let's go back to my office'' Rita says concerned "no" AJ says. "We both know each other's secret and Selena's going to expose it" Victoria stammers. "So we've decide to announce it" AJ says as she sees Selena and Taylor. All of a sudden AJ and Victoria both climb on top of the table. "Excuse me can I have your attention please" Victoria shouts, "me and AJ have a confession to make" all of a sudden Selena shouts "your lesbians?" "No I wear, I wear diapers" Victoria announced proudly. "And I wear training pants" AJ joins her friend in shouting before Victoria pulled her pants down to reveal her pink Disney princess diaper, whilst AJ pulled her pants down to show off her Spider-Man training pants. But the reaction they got was not what they expected it was the sound of clapping and cheering, whistling, and it was Taylor who started the clapping. Seth Romans friend walked up to AJ and just popped the question out . "You like comic books I like comic books will you date me ?" As AJ pulls up her trousers but stops at her training pants "I couldn't care you wear them" and with that AJ jumped on to Seth, Roman eventually walked up to Victoria, " I know you like me and I like you being in diapers doesn't matter it's the person that counts" Victoria just cries in happiness and then both Roman and Victoria and AJ and Seth walk off to there relationships.

Victoria Justice Secret Diaper Where stories live. Discover now