Chapitre 5

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Victoria was seen to be entering the girls toilets so Selena ran to catch her up. "Come on then what did I tell you about using that diaper last night hey" Selena said nastily pushing Victoria around the toilets. "Pull your pants down I wanna look at and check your diaper" Selena orders. "anyway I'm not wearing one" Victoria shouts pushing Selena, then out of nowhere Selena punches Victoria who let's out a sharp cry, "now what are you going to do ?" Selena tells Victoria, "pull my pants down" Victoria replies. She then drops her pants showing her diaper which she was slowly wetting because Selena had punched her in the bladder. With a smile Selena says "you better go see my aunt so she can change your wet diaper.", then Selena's phone goes receiving a text from Brie "your mom says I'm babysitting you soon, see you in class Vicky" Selena yells.

"Come in" Mrs Beecham shouts "oh it's you victoria, I suppose your here for a diaper change ? " Mrs Beecham looks in disgust. "You said to come here when ever I need a diaper change and you or nurse Freeman would change my diaper" Victoria tries to explain, "well can you see nurse freeman ?," Mrs Beecham asks, "no that's because she's on her lunch hour oh but please i really desperate to have my diaper change ? Oh ok just get on the bed ," Mrs Beecham said as she putting Victoria's changing mat on the bed. And with that Victoria lay on the changing mat, Mrs Beecham comes over with victoria's diaper bag with her huggies diapers and baby wipes as she's wearing a pair of Rita's purple gloves, ruffly mrs Beecham pulls Victoria's pants down and rips the diaper tabs open, "lift up please" Mrs Beecham pulls the dirty diaper from underneath Victoria. Then Victoria just decides to ask "why are you so hard with me ?" Mrs Beecham was suprised "Victoria do you know how munch I earn money in a year ?" Mrs Beecham says in a serious tone, "I earn two hundred thousand dollars , that's too much to changing baby diapers on a 22 year young woman" Mrs Beecham said rubbing a wipe around Victoria's crotch and she takes the diaper Victoria felt a new diaper being placed under her, and it being taped as she closed the tabs and carressed the diaper, "what about the powder ?" Victoria ask "Sorry but i don't put down there." Mrs Beecham said with a smile as she squeeze victoria's tummy and her diaper , she watching and ask to victoria : "have you got other marks of diapers ?" "Yes pampers baby-dry." "Ok" then Mrs Beecham takes victoria up ask her : "you know what ? That's a good thing your wearing diapers because i could see that your step-mother wants that for your well-being and my daughter of 17 had this problem too , by the way why that's those baby diapers that you're wear right now ? " "yeah because they have my size" "ok , who is your tutor so I can let her know why your late ?" "Miss El" Victoria replies. "Ok , that wasn't so bad fineally , if you need some new diapers come see me or rita in my office.

"Ok class settle down, class settle down.Today we'll be working on the digestive system and the reproductive system, if you want to talk you can but keep the noise down I have a lot of marking to do everyone turn to page 100-110 and answer the questions." A short teacher shouted with a strong London accent. It was Victoria's biology teacher Layla El. She had lovely jet black hair, along with a lovely white blazer and black shirt and trousers. Lucky for Victoria Layla was running late so she could sneak in before class started. AJ sat next to Victoria "so once we've done this work can I see that picture?" Victoria happily asks. "It's in the bin" AJ replies angrily. "Wait why ? it was great" Victoria asked surprised, "she wrecked it she spilt water over it" AJ instantly pointed straight at Taylor, Victoria told AJ they'd get Taylor back for it but they'd do it when she wasn't expecting it. "Ok guys homework for tonight read chapter 5 about the functions of the brain, and write an essay on it minimum 500 words, class dismissed" Layla shouted before dismissing them, "oh April can I have a word ?" Layla asked but it was more like a order. "I over heard Taylor might have damaged some of your property at lunch would you like me to see the principle?," AJ just shook her head in a defiant no before leaving. "Hey AJ you left your bag at lunch" Taylor said quietly, all of a sudden Victoria saw a very different side to AJ as she ripped it right out of Taylor's hands, " give me that's mine" AJ shouts "erm manners little girl" Selena says sarcastically, "you better not have rummaged through my stuff" AJ warns, "relax little girl why bother it's all kiddie comic book stuff anyway" Selena states, "just back back off Selena" Victoria warns, "or what?" Selena says. "Ladies I suggest you calm down now" Layla El warns as she shouts through the door, "come on Tay theses idiots aren't worth our time" Selena tells Taylor. "Thanks" AJ tells Victoria, "it's ok but if you don't mind me asking why were you so worried about them going through your bag?" Victoria questions AJ as they walk to the car park, "because it's my bag," AJ explains. "Night girls" Rita says as she passes them on her way to her red Ford Mustang, "night" both AJ and Victoria says waving to Rita. "Victoria here's my dad would you like a lift?" AJ says "it's ok my aunt Nikki's just driving in" Victoria says waving her friend off as she climbs into her dads old pickup truck, "ok see you tomorrow".

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