Chapter 8 - Shadows

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Emily hadn't seen the Queen in quite some time, but acknowledged that the woman had been busier than ever the past few days. After the witch-hunter's arrival, and John's untimely demise, she didn't see much of the hybrid. On one hand she was grateful she wouldn't have to endure any sort of torture or punishment—so far. On the other hand, she'd missed the woman's company.

Being in the room right across the hall from Annabelle's quarters forced her to endure the moans she'd hear from next door as Annabelle probably released into whatever woman she'd dragged into her room that night. It wasn't that Annabelle was missing, it was as though she'd completely forgotten about Emily, or maybe simply ignored her existence. Perhaps that had been the punishment all along.

There had been a lot of whispers and murmurs around the castle about witches, and curses. She wasn't entirely sure what any of it meant, and how it tied into what happened around them.

"My dear, you are absolutely glowing." Margret spoke, dragging her back to reality. A small, familiar teacup was placed in front of her.
"I guess it's all this good life." Emily said sarcastically.
The maid chuckled, "How are we today?"
"After two cups of this delicious tea, I'm sure I'll feel even better than I do right now." The blonde tried to convince herself.

Margret nodded. "I'm sure your father would have been proud of you."
"You knew him?"
"No, but I know if you were my child facing these circumstances and surviving, I'd be extremely proud."

It warmed Emily's heart to hear her say that. She hadn't received any form of affection in so long, she was grateful to the motherly figure Margret was becoming.

A chill swept through the kitchen and Geoffrey appeared in the kitchen.

"I've been waiting quite a while now for breakfast and all I hear is tiresome chatter coming from the kitchen." He frowned, eyes drifting to the blonde who tried to make herself small. "Margret, don't let this pest distract you. You have a job to do."

"Pleasure seeing you too Geoffrey." Emily finally spoke.
"I should end you right now. No one would know, and certainly no one would miss you."

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Victoria quipped from the doorway.

Geoffrey ignored the wolf, pushing past her into the dining room.

"I'm surprised you're still here."

Victoria smiled, "Yep," she popped the 'p'. "Not for long though. We should catch up."
"What did you have in mind?" Emily raised a brow.
"Let's take a stroll."
"Is strolling all you guys do around here for fun? Just walks around the castle? And I thought I was sheltered."

The she-wolf released a genuine laugh. "In case you haven't noticed, we're in somewhat of a crisis. And two, Annabelle would never allow you to leave the castle without her."

Emily wondered why she would say such a thing. Had they been talking about her?

"Fair enough." The blonde decided. "I'll find you in the foyer after you've had breakfast?"
The woman nodded before leaving her position in the doorway.

The blonde decided she'd had enough for one morning, retiring to her room until Victoria was ready for their walk. She'd grabbed another book from Annabelle's library before making her way to the cozy nook beside the window. She tugged a quilted blanket over her legs and flipped the book open.

It wasn't a very interesting book, and Emily found herself drifting in and out of sleep. At one point, she'd heard herself release a tiny snore and was scared awake. The blonde wiped her face, trying to shake the sleep out of her eyes. She walked out onto the castle's balcony, wondering why she'd never explored it before. Her eyes flashed to a shadowed figure walking through the flower beds below. This is why Emily. If you stayed inside, there wouldn't be a creepy shadow coming to eat you alive right now.

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