Chapter 22- A Ferocious Battle.

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The sun was almost completely out of the sky. Lena could hear her own heartbeat in her ear, the infectious sensation of victory on the horizon giving her chills. Hundreds of years' worth of preparation. She'd spent so much of her time watching, waiting.

The witch had no time to enjoy life. Most of her marriage was a complete farce, all a part of fitting into society. Once Emily came of age, she knew it was time to put the plan into action. After years of monitoring Annabelle's habits, she knew her daughter would be just what the woman needed—she made sure of it.

Lockheed casting the spell that left Victoria barren worked out in the woman's favor. She'd learned about the events that took place in the castle that faithful night that triggered the old war. The sorcerer killing the queen, and causing the miscarriage of the royal grandchild. Once Lena found out that there was a way to kill an immortal, she'd put all her focus into finding the items needed to recreate Lockheed's powder.

Needless to say, she couldn't recreate it exactly, but the concoction she'd made would have the same effect.

"It's time." Geoffrey stood from his place beside her. "I'm going to get the ball rolling."

"Agreed. I'll wait here for the signal."

The vampire flittered out of the tunnel without another word.

"I thought we were going to see Emily?" Manny asked.

"We are..."

"So why are we still here? Why are we hiding?"

"You're asking too many questions. You remember what I told you about bombarding me with questions?"

The boy nodded his shaggy blonde head. "Don't?"

"Exactly." She smiled. "Don't ask so many questions. It isn't polite. We'll see your sister before the night is out."

Geoffrey's quick feet landed him at the drawbridge without being seen by the patrolling guards. He counted five guards at the bridge, noting their movements and patrol area. A few seconds and he'd stealthily slit their throats, leaving the men bleeding out at their posts.

The vampire grabbed the thick, metal chains attached to the bridge and released the tension, letting the bridge fall backwards with a slow groan. The dreadful—Lena's creations—stood on the other end of the bridge as commanded. She'd ordered them to lie in wait until the bridge was lowered and now, they were itching to be placed into action.

Geoffrey watched impatiently as the shadow men crossed the bridge, he needed to ensure they all made it over as planned. Strong wind wisped past him and he held his hand up just in time to block a deadly kick from his very own sister. He flew back from the sheer force she'd used in the attack.

"You dare show your face around here?" Annabelle stood a few feet away.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me, sister." He snarled. "I'd been gone for so long, and you didn't even bother looking."

"Why? Why have you done this?"

"Please, spare me the confused look, spare me the drama. You know why."

"You hate me that much? That you would plot my murder, harm my child? You want the throne that badly?"

Annabelle didn't wait for a response. She flew into him, a fist colliding with his cheek and the other narrowly missing his chest as he recovered and jumped backwards. The siblings had their fangs erect, sneering at each other before their fighting continued.

Geoffrey managed to get a solid punch in her abdomen, winding her slightly. Annabelle lurched forward, pain feeling a bit fiercer than it should. She knew she wasn't at her full strength, not after Gideon sucked the life out of her coming into the world. The queen only just realized it had been their plan all along to strike when they knew she would be at her weakest.

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