Chapter 5 - War wages on.

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Annabelle left the guest room, leaning on the wall of the hallway just outside the door. She could still hear Emily's bounding heart beat at hadn't yet settled post-orgasm. The blonde drove her crazy, drove every part of her crazy. The queen could feel arousal stirring in her groin again at the thought of what transpired moments ago.

She stalked down the hallway, making another room her home for the night. There was a dull knocking at the door.

"Enter." She called out, though she lay half-dressed hiding her arousal beneath a duvet.

Geoffrey appeared in the room, eyeing his sister suspiciously. "I don't even want to know what you've been up to."

"I wasn't going to tell you." She scoffed.

"About what we saw tonight," he paced over, taking a seat in the chair that had been tucked under a desk. "I think it's sorcery."

Annabelle's heart skipped a beat. "We haven't had a witch in this land for decades Geoffrey."

"There's no other explanation for it. What we's unnatural."

She agreed with it being unnatural, but placing responsibility on witches opened a larger can of worms that Annabelle was just not prepared to unleash.

"Have they finished examining Patricia's body?"

"Uncle said they should receive word by tomorrow."

The queen nodded, and Geoffrey excused himself joking that she appeared to be exhausted. She rolled over in the bed, lost in thought. Could it be that witches were in fact making a comeback? The throbbing member between her thighs led her adrift. She was about to do something she hadn't done in a very long time. Her hand reached beneath the covers, fingers wrapping around her length. Annabelle was more than ready to pleasure herself when her ears wiggled at a sudden 'oof'.

Groaning, she adjusted her pants swinging the door opened in annoyance. She pushed the door of the room she'd been in earlier with Emily only to find the blonde missing.

"What the fuck?" she rushed over to the window, eyes beaming all around but no sight of her. The smell of lavender was faint, and being carried too quickly by the wind. Annabelle stared around the empty room in disbelief. The girl had run away.

The thought blinded her with rage. How dare she? How ungrateful could one woman be? Annabelle brought her into the castle, the treatment Emily received was near the caliber of a high-ranking individual, yet still she ran. It was unbelievable.

Annabelle had an inkling of where the young woman would go, perhaps she'd been planning her escape all along. Convoluted thoughts swirled her mind, even thinking that Emily could have possibly had help from the servant boy—who was innocently sleeping in the castle miles away. She quickly changed, packed her bags and summoned her driver. It was almost midnight, but she didn't care. Emily was her property, and would be until whenever the obsession wore off.

"Where are you going?" Geoffrey appeared at the door.

"Home, something has come up." She stood on the front steps of the mansion, too embarrassed to tell him the truth.

"I'll come with you."

"No need, I can handle it myself." She said with a hint of finality.

The driver took Annabelle to the familiar farmhouse. By the time they'd arrived the sun was just rising in the sky. She quickly stepped out of the car, not waiting on the driver to open the door. Her long legs had her at the front door in seconds.

Before she could even knock, the door swung open.

"My queen, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Harold stood at the door, a young boy clutching at his pant.

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