Chapter 2 - Only the Beginning.

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It was completely baffling, in her hundreds of years on the earth, Annabelle had not found herself this...baffled. She had taken Emily's place on the couch after moving the small figure to the bed last night. Blonde hair tousled, the strands now warped in different directions, cheeks rosy and lips puckered. It was a sight to behold.

Annabelle planned to have Emily the previous night, God only knew how much she wanted her, to be inside her—but she couldn't. She recalled the moment her beast stirred inside her, the moment she'd arrived at the wetness between Emily's thighs. It made Annabelle feel out of control, a feeling she despised. If she had proceeded, maybe Emily wouldn't have survived their romping.

Why did it matter though? It wouldn't have been the first time her beast was unleashed; it wouldn't have been the first time she would have harmed someone in the throes of pleasure. What made the young woman so different?

The phone vibrated in Annabelle's pocket. She clasped slender fingers around the device, scrolling through the text. An eye-roll in response, she left the comfort of the room and headed down the hallway. The Queen was dressed in black slacks. Her shoes chimed against the hardwood floors as she made her way down a winding staircase.

"Patricia," she called out, quickly pausing to flip through the binder she held previously under her arm.

"My Queen?"

It didn't matter where in the castle Patricia was, she'd always been quick to respond when summoned.

"The girl Emily..." Annabelle loved the feel of her name on her tongue. "Take care of her. Ensure that she is bathed and fed. The council meets today and you know what that's like."

The woman nodded diligently, "As you wish."

There was a large part of Annabelle that wanted to assert dominance, wanted to let Emily know that from the moment she left that farm, she became the Queen's property. She was hers, and only hers.

Annabelle continued her stroll, finally entering the large double doors of the meeting room they'd recently added to the castle. She couldn't be bothered travelling two hours to and from court, it just wasn't practical--for her anyway.

"Gentlemen," she greeted, walking straight to the seat at the head of the table.

"Good morning, sister." Geoffrey greeted from his seat on her left.

He was only a few years younger than Annabelle was, a ghastly vampire whose reputation preceded him. To her right, Antoine was seated. She considered him her 'right hand man'. He was in charge of any and all things wolf related in Victoria's absence—which was quite often. His Beta and head enforcer sat on his right. The representatives for vampires consisted of Geoffrey, their uncle Eustace, and Lorna, an old friend of the family. There was one human who sat furthest away from the beasts, Marques, who spoke on behalf of his kind.

"Where do we begin?"

"If I may interject," Geoffrey interrupted. "Do we need to have these mutts sitting at our table?"

"This council has been established for decades now Geoffrey, yet you insist on making the same statement at every meeting." Annabelle pinched the bridge of her nose, "Let this be the last." She sneered.

There was a small knock, and the door pushed open. Margret, another servant strolled in with the refreshments. She placed a wine glass beside the Queen's folders, filling it slowly with succulent, warm blood. Thank God. She sighed, placing the glass to her lips and taking a large swig.

"Now, let's begin." Authority in her tone, Annabelle fingered the pages of the folder she'd brought with her. "This is Victoria's report. I took the liberty of giving it a read before coming here today so we can just summarise the state of things."

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