Chapter 26- Cracks

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Annabelle's birthday was around the corner—her true birthday. Although according to Victoria, the woman didn't celebrate it anymore considering she was probably a million years old by now. A few days had gone by since their little excursion and Emily found herself slightly disappointed that the queen never finished her thought. She'd half expected Annabelle to come clean, to say the words 'I love you' after having them almost slipped that day.

There was a part of her that wondered if the reason Annabelle didn't say the words was because she didn't actually feel that way. Emily had countless conversations with Victoria this past year and some months and every time they'd arrived at the topic of Annabelle—the wolf spoke fiercely of her and of their experience together.

Listening to Victoria tell their stories, it made Emily She often insisted Annabelle wasn't everyone's cup of tea, and that it would take years to get to the depths of who that woman really was. Emily fished around the castle for clues on what she could gift Annabelle. What does one give someone who has everything?

She decided that the only person who remained on earth—rest Geoffrey's sadistic soul—who knew what Annabelle would like, was her ex-wife. After a late breakfast, Emily made her way towards the wolf's suite. Victoria was doing much better since including the herbal tea into her daily routine-surprise, surprise. So, she knew the woman would be awake, probably getting ready to start her day.

As Emily rounded the corner to Victoria's room, laughter stopping her at the door. Specifically...Annabelle's laughter. The large door was ajar, and she couldn't help but peek through the small opening, revealing the two women deep in conversation.

There was a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach as Annabelle chuckled again, clutching her stomach at something Victoria had probably said before the blonde's arrival.


The queen crossed her legs, shifting a bit as she sat beside Victoria on the edge of the bed. She brought her tea a few minutes earlier, and it seemed to have a good effect on the wolf. Every day she watched as Victoria regained her strength, today almost fully back to her old, jovial self.

"You didn't have to do this." Victoria motioned to the cup. "That's what helpers are for."
Annabelle rolled her eyes, "Please, I can bring my ex tea if I feel like."
"I think you just like using that word...ex." The wolf smacked her shoulder. "For some reason, I don't like hearing it."
The queen chuckled, her lips parting slightly.

"Anyway, you better go. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. You come in here every morning like clockwork, it's a wonder your girlfriend doesn't knock you out."
The queen's chuckle turned into a full laugh, one Victoria was all too familiar with. She loved the way happiness looked on Annabelle.
"Have you told her yet?"
Annabelle's laughter ended abruptly; a frown placed on her beautiful, full lips.

"Tell her what?"
"That you love her."
The queen shrugged, seemingly disinterested in the topic.
"What's it to you?"
"Why the delay?"
"You know me, I'm a slow burn."
"You're right, I do know you. The same Annabelle who told me she loved me after about three months of 'courting'." Victoria pointed out.
The taller woman groaned, dragging a hand down her face. "I don't know. I...don't know." She stared at Victoria, as if waiting for the woman to give her a solution to the confusion she felt.
"I know what you're doing, and sorry, I'm not getting involved in this one. Figure your shit out on your own Anna." Victoria pushed the woman gently, getting out of bed.

Before she could respond, a soft knock sounded at the door, followed by Emily's blonde hair peeking through the doorway.
"Come in," Victoria spoke, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Hey Vic," the blonde strolled in, eyes flickering between the two women. "Busy?"

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