Chapter 10: "We Meet Again"

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Adam’s POV

       A month has gone by. Nikki and I were released. I drove Nikki home, her crutches across her lap. Nikki was silent through the whole ride. Did she hate me now? Nikki never should’ve come because she was already injured. I dropped Nikki off and left to go back home. Why didn’t Nikki talk? She’s normally very talkative.

       I love Nikki through thick and thin, and now she’s not talking. I may ask her to meet me somewhere tomorrow. Hopefully she will reply. I bet, Nikki, is just paranoid from, Hunter and Violet. My hands gripped harder on the steering wheel of my, Impala. How could they?

       How dare they hurt my, Nikki. After a while of driving, I arrived home. I threw something together for dinner and then after I finished, I texted, Nikki.

Adam: Hey

Nikki: Who’s this?

Adam: Adam. Remember? I’m your boyfriend

Nikki: Ok. It’s the guy that almost killed me

Adam: I told you not to come, but you did anyway

Nikki: I was worried. I never meant to. You’re my boyfriend and I wanted to see if you were ok.

Adam: I know you were, but I was wondering something

Nikki: What?

Adam: I was wondering if you can meet me at my Dad’s cabin

Nikki: Where’s that?

Adam: It’s right off of I-99 and Hopkins RD

Nikki: I’ll remember that . . . hopefully

Adam: Hopefully? What does that mean?

Nikki: My messages automatically delete. they’re already deleting as i’m txting u

Adam: Well, I gtg. i’ll txt you the address tomorrow. k?

Nikki: sure

       Hopefully, Nikki will show up.

Nikki’s POV

       I-99 and Hopkins RD. I went to my car in the garage and backed out. My radio’s blasting a Mexican song. How did a Hispanic radio station turn on? I turned off the radio and drove in peace. While on, I-99, an animal stopped in front of my car. I swerved to avoid it. My car skidded next to a tree and the passenger side door almost came off.

       The front of my car crashed into a tree and the back of my car went over the front. I crawled out of the driver’s side broken window and collapsed on the ground. My face was covered in scratches and bruises. Above the hill, I saw a cabin. A car was parked in front of it. The car was, Adam’s. I pulled my crutches out of the car and crawled up the hill. Adam saw me through the window and ran out to help me.


       “Adam, help me.” I cried out slowly. Adam slid down the hill and helped me up. My knee gave way and I landed on my right knee.

       “Nikki, what happened?” Thunder roared and rain poured down, making the ground slippery.


       “What happened?!”

       “An animal . . .  came out . . . in front . . . of my car.” Adam and I reached the cabin. I remembered that my crutches were still outside.

       “What’s wrong, Nikki?”

       “My crutches are still outside.” Adam patted my shoulder and got them for me. I shivered with cold. My hair dripped water, making a puddle of water around my feet. Adam got a fire going and he helped me lay down on the couch. I fell asleep and then I had a crazy dream.

       “She must be gone.”

       “But, sir. We --”

       “My orders.”

       “She’s only 15. Leave her be.”

       “Just get the dang propane tanks and then we’ll get out of here.”

       “I -- I can’t.”

       “Oh? Why not?”

       “She’s my friend.” After a while, I smelled gas. Fire burned the building. Then, KA BAM! The house exploded and I was thrown out. I groaned and then my eyes closed forever. “Nikki? Nikki? Can you hear me? Nik ---“

       “---ki!” I jolted awake, “are you OK?”

       “Yeah. Why?”

       “I heard you screaming.”

       “Oh, sorry. I have those frequently.” Adam stared at me, worry in eyes. You’ll never get out alive. A voice rang in my head. When night arrived, Adam let me stay. Right when I hit the pillow, I was already asleep.

       Morning sky lit up my bedroom. Adam drove me back home.

       “Eh, uh, thanks for helping me.”

       “Sure. No problem. Any help? Just call!”

       I chuckled. “Nice one smart-for-brains.”

       “Come on. You know I love you.”

       “I know you do.”

       “When you were in the hospital, I heard your voice. You said, ‘Adam she’s going to kill you! The sex, the sliced leg! She’s going to kill you! Don’t let her touch you’. What does that mean?”

       “I think it meant that, if I didn’t arrive, then she would’ve killed you.” As we drove home, we continued the conversation. Adam dropped me off at my house and then drove off. As I walked into the room, I felt a cold presence. “Hello, Nikki, I see we meet again.” Then the power blew out.


this is the end of Missing! hope you liked! Coming soon: Missing bk 2! I'm already hyped up. And no i am not being rude the hispanics  . . .

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