Chapter 2: The House Under Ground

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Adam’s POV

       I felt bad for Nikki so I went over to her house. I walked up to her front door and knocked. I waited a minute.

       “Nikki? Babe, listen, I’m not upset at you. Just please open the door.” Honey jumped on the door. I looked in through the window. There was blood. The door was locked. I stepped backwards and ran into the door. The door tumbled down. I rubbed my shoulder.

       “Man that hurts.” I whispered. Honey whimpered. “Honey, what is it?” Honey limbed over to the kitchen and laid down next to the blood. The back door was wide open. I pulled out my phone and called the police.

                           Phone conversation

       “Yes. This is Adam Garcia and I would like to report a missing person’s report.”

       “Uh huh. And what’s his or her name?”

       “Nikki Phillips.”

       “Can you please describe the room or house?”

       “Nikki is my girlfriend and there’s blood on her kitchen floor and - -”

       “Sir, uh, we’ll get police officer’s over to your destination. Can you tell me Nikki’s address?”

       “623 Jonathan DR.”

       “We’ll send officer’s right away.”

                            End of conversation

       I was worried. Honey lay down next to him on the couch. Police sirens blared and I jumped up. A police officer walked through the door. He had black hair and hazel eyes.

       “Names Sergeant J Myers.”

       “Uh, Adam Garcia.”

       I was scared. I sat outside and looked at the moon. I felt a voice inside me that says Go! Go find her, Adam. She needs you. I looked at Myers.

       “This is a crime scene now. I need to ask if you can go.”

       “Wait? Myers, this is my girlfriend!”

       “I’m sorry, but - -”

       I got up and walked to my car. Honey wanted to come, but she knew to stay here. I pulled off of the driveway and sped off.

Nikki’s POV

       “Wake up!” I felt a cold hand slap my face. I jolted up, hoping to see Adam. The guy had dirty blonde hair and green eyes and it was spiked in front.

       “Who ar - -are you?” I asked nervously.

       “The Man in Black. But you can call me Hunter.” I was pulled out of the van by my leg. My ankle turned red with a hand mark. I felt the dry blood in my hair. I was pushed inside and I landed on my knees.

       “Get up!” Hunter yelled. I got up and he pushed me again. I was thrown down the steps, landing on my back. The door slammed shut and I was alone. The room was lit by candles. I saw a black shadow in the corner in the room. Lights suddenly came on and the candles where blown out by a fan. It felt good to have a fan. I felt blood coming out of my nose. I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My black hair was messed up and in tangles. What does this guy want from me? I asked myself. My leg had a bruise on it from pushing the wood poker into my leg. The door creaked open.

       “Miss. Nikki?” A voice sang out. I stepped back and tripped over something. When I fell to the floor, I crawled into the bathroom. “Come on honey, I won’t hurt you.”

       “Then what do you want from me?” I asked while I got up slowly. This time it was a girl. She had ice blue eyes and red hair long yet wavy at the ends - - just like mine.

       “We don’t want anything with you.” The voice said finally. I had tears hit my eyes.

       “Who are you?!” I yelled, “Where am I?!” The girl put her finger to my lips.

       “Shhh, calm down.” My back hit the bathroom wall. “My name is Violet. You’ll be fine.”

       “Why are you here?!” I screamed.

       “I’m here to help you.”

       “No you aren’t! You’re here to kill me!”

       “Sweet heart, we aren’t going to hurt you.”

       Tears swelled in my eyes. “I want to go home.” I cried.

       “This is your new home.” The door opened again and Violet walked towards the door. A sweet smell filled the air, but yet, I was still crying. I just sat in the bathroom, waiting for someone to save me.

       “Where’s the girl?” A voice asked.

       “In there.” The other voice pointed towards the bathroom. A chair creaked and someone walked towards me. I want to go home. Where’s Adam? Where’s Honey? I asked myself a million questions, not knowing the answers.

       “There you are.” Hunter walked towards me. I pulled out of his grip, but his grip stayed firm.

       “No! No let go of me!” I screamed. My scratch on my head started to bleed again. “Please, just leave me alone.” I cried out.

       “No way buttercup.” I was thrown on the floor, landing on my back - - I could’ve sworn I heard a crack. I cried out in pain, holding my hand under me. “Shut your whining.” Hunter said, slapping me across the face, making my nose start bleeding again. I felt heat burn my face, making me hold the mark that’s burning.

       “Jokes on you, man.” Violet told me. Hunter threw something to me.

       “Eat.” I had no idea what it was but I ate it. After eating that, it made my face turn sour. I literally fell like I’m going to throw up. I was pulled up off the ground and thrown into a bedroom. The bed was nicely set with pictures hanging on the wall.

       “Sleep tight.” Hunter said, turning on the light then slamming the door. I walked over to the bed and sat down on it, making it creak. Who knows what could be in this bed. I lifted the sheets to make sure nothing was under there, luckily there was nothing. I laid down on my left side, facing the door. Now I sleep and being left in this room - - to die.                   


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