Chapter 3: "It's Only Going to Get Worse"

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Chapter 3: “It’s Only Going to Get Worse”

       Adam’s POV

       I was driving to somewhere, which I don’t know where. I received a phone call from the police.

                                         Phone Conversation

       “We have clues to who killed Nikki.” Myers said.

       “What are the clues?!” I snapped.

       “Someone left their foot print in the blood on the kitchen floor. You may not have seen it.”

       “Anything else?”

       “Leakage from the vehicle. Due to the puddle, it had a big puddle of oil in the back of her house. It could be, due to our expectations, seems to be a 1994 Dodge Ram Van Base. It must be black so it’s hard to see in the dark.”

       “Are you sure about this?” Adam’s said with shaking hands.

       “We are sure. This could either get worse or ugly. We can probably use Nikki’s dog here in this situation.”

       “Honey? She is a pretty smart dog, she was trained to hunt. It’ll do.”

       “I’ll talk to you later.”

                           End Conversation

       I hung the phone up and put it back in my pocket. They better find her. I told myself. She’s going to do die. Die I tell you, die! A voice rang in my head. Visions hit when things where getting worse. I slammed on my brakes and jolted forward. “I have to save her.” I told myself. I turned around and sped back to Nikki’s house.

Nikki’s POV

       I woke up later hoping to see Adam. But I was still in the bedroom I was in last night. I wiped my eyes from tearing.

       “Wakey, wakey.” A voice bellowed. Hunter was coming. I was scared and didn’t know what to do.

       “What do you want from me?” I cried out.

       “Didn’t Violet tell you? We mean no harm.”

       “That’s a lie!” I yelled. I stood in the corner of the room while Hunter stood in the doorway. “I just want to be home with Adam.” I whimpered. Hunter came forward and slapped me across the face. I fell to the floor, whimpering in pain. Hunter pulled me off of the ground and dragged me into the main room. It seemed larger than before. Violet was at the table.

       “Morning sweet heart.” Violet said with a smile on her face. Hunter threw me back on the ground. I closed my eyes in pain. “Hush your whining. I don’t want anything coming out of your mouth.” I slowly ate my food. Hunter got up and said, “I got to go up stairs. Violet, are you coming with me?”

       “Yes sir.” I was kicked by Hunter and Violet before they left. “What am I? Their personal bag or something?” I asked myself before everything turned black.

       A few hours later, Hunter came back downstairs. I was still on the floor.

       “Violet! Get down here!”


       “There’s something not right.” Violet rushed downstairs. “D - - did we k - - kill h - - her?” Violet stammered. Hunter hit me across the face. My eyes opened slowly. I looked around the room, hoping someone will save me. Hunter picked me up by my hair and pulled me into the kitchen area. My eyes closed in pain, almost going out again. My back landed on the hard tile floor.

       “You’ve been a bad girl, Nikki.”

       “H - - how do you know my name?”

       “This is the good part.” Hunter got up and whispered something to Violet nodded and ran up stairs. Hunter looked back at me.

       “What are you going to do with me?” I asked, scared.

       “We are slowly going to kill you, nice and slowly.”

       I gulped down my fear. Violet came back down.

       “Oh, I see someone’s scared.” Violet whispered to Hunter. Hunter chuckled while picking up a butcher knife. It suddenly felt like my heart stopped. The butcher knife slowly sliced my stomach open. Violet grabbed a hatchet and cut open my legs. I screamed in pain. A scythe came down next, hitting my arms. Violet laughed evilly.

       “Sto - - stop pl - - please.” I stammered, losing my breath. Hunter picked me up and threw me in the bedroom then throwing me against the wall. I landed on my right side. Hunter punched me violently, he even cracked my leg. I didn’t do anything; I just let him do what he wanted to do. Violet walked in the room laughing at me. I had tears hit. My face was covered in blood, bruises and even an eye swollen shut.

       “This fun, isn’t it?”

       “Mmm. Yes sir.” Violet said.

       “Should we kill her? Or . . .?”

       “Whatever you want to do sir.”

       I was just waiting for someone to save me and then I was rolled onto my back. Hunter stomped in my chest. I gasped for air.

       “Nice one.”

       “Why thank you.”

       “You’re welcome, Daddy.”

       “Is she dead?”

       “I think she is.” Hunter said with a smile. Everything turned black, and hopeless.  


good? Bad? horrible?                           

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