Chapter 8: Cute Turns to Evil

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Adam’s POV

       I woke up with blood dripping down my chest and pain in my right leg. Myers grunted.

       “Myers! You OK?” I asked with worry.

       “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” Myers replied weakly. The door opened and I tried to run but I was handcuffed to a post. Hunter trotted down the stairs with a smile on his face.

       “It’s was a trap wasn’t it?”

       “The sex with my daughter?”

       “Yes!” I snapped.

       Hunter chuckled and clapped his hands. My mouth dropped open at what I’m seeing. Violet prettier than ever. Her hair was straightened; she wore a short frilly dress, mascara, and high heels. I suddenly heard Nikki’s voice. Adam she’s going to kill you! The sex, the sliced leg! She’s going to kill you! Don’t let her touch you! I shook my head, Violet more close to me. I moved my head and kicked her in the jaw. Violet slowly got up and fell into her Dad’s arms. I ran out of the way but Hunter grabbed my foot. Violet smashed her fist into my cheek and I kicked Hunter in the groin. I ran for the door but it was locked. Someone grabbed my foot and I was pulled down the stairs.

       “You won’t get away!” Violet yelled while dragging me into the bedroom. I felt a million fists hit my face and my stomach. Violet chuckled and got off of the bed and undid my cuffs. My nose was bleeding and I wiped away the blood. Violet threw me into the main room and I landed on my stomach, my fist smashing into it. I screamed in pain Violet smashed her foot into my back, her high heel stabbing my back.

       “You think you can get away easily?” Violet asked. Sergeant J. Myers tackled Violet and Violet landed on her back. I slowly crawled towards the door but Violet shot me in the leg. Violet slowly got up and I rolled down the steps slowly. Sergeant J. Myers was down next to Violet, probably dead. I smashed my foot into Violets chest and she flew backwards, flying into the wall. I wheezed from trying to catch my breath. My leg has stopped bleeding, but my chest still hurts.

       “Myers? Myers you OK?”

       “Find help.” Myers whispered.

       “I can’t. The door is locked.” My head rested against the floor, still trying to catch my breath. I clutched my stomach and slowly got up. Violets eyes were closed and she had a bloody nose. Hunter slowly got up and walked towards me. He opened my mouth and put some sort of powder in my mouth. My vision turned fuzzy, I fell to my knees and drifted into darkness.

       Nikki’s POV

       I was finally released from the hospital for being in there for at least 5 days. My phone buzzed and I got a text message. It was from Adam.

Adam: Your boyfriend is dead.

Me: Who is this?

Adam: Guess.

Me: Who’s txting me?

Adam: I’ll call

Me: No.

       My phone was ringing and I answer it.

       “Hello?” I asked shakily

       “Your boyfriend is dead.”

       “Who is this?!” I heard rustling on the other end and someone said, “Talk to her.” My eyes slowly turned wide.

       “Nikki, you have to listen, you can NOT come over here. You understand?”

       “But Adam - -“

        I heard a gasping sound at the end of line.

       “Let him go you sick jerk!”

       “Bye, bye sweet heart.” The line cut off and I was worried. I grabbed the doctor’s car keys and snuck into his car. Adam was in trouble and I have to help him. I knew where he was and how he got there. I reached the house 16 minutes and broke the door down. When I got downstairs, I stood horrified. Violet was on top of my boyfriend and kissing him on his lips and neck. Adam’s t-shirt was off and tears slowly crept into my eyes. I wanted to beat the crap out of Violet, but I was too scared. Adam was handcuffed to the bed frame and blood was dripping down Adam’s head, chest, and neck. No one knew I was here.

       Violet turned and saw me and she had blood dripping down her mouth, her eyes where yellow, teeth where red. Adam had bite marks all over the place. Violet charged at me and I was knocked to the ground. Adam slowly opened his eyes and stared at Violet and I. Violet bit a hole in my neck and I felt the blood dripping down my neck. I screamed in pain and my vision blurred. Darkness welcomed itself into my vision and then silence.

       Adam’s POV

       My head rested on the pillow and tears filled my eyes. Violet grinned and walked back towards me.

       “You killed her!” I cried.

       “She deserved to die, Adam.”

       “How do you know my name?!” Violet kissed my lips.

       “Your lips are soft.” Violet told me. I looked towards Nikki, who was lying on the ground, losing a lot of blood. My hands were handcuffed and there was no way out. Violet turned evil and she sucked on my neck. I tried to pull away, but Violet held me close. I cried in pain when Violet’s nails started to make my arms bleed. Violet put her finger to my mouth.

       “Shhh. No one’s going to hear you.” I screamed and gasped in pain.

       “AHHH!” I screamed. Sweat rolled down my face and I was gasping for breath. Violet turned evil. Her hair was not red, it was black, her eyes where yellow and my and Nikki’s blood was on her mouth. Blood dripped all over. My eyes slowly closed and everything turned dark.


       I woke up with my blood all over me and a knife to my neck, Nikki was held by Violet with a gun to her head. Hunter turned my head to face his.

       “You have two options: One; you will have your neck split open. Two; your girlfriend and you can get out alive. Which do you choose?” I felt the knife go deeper into my neck, slowly cutting it.

       “Two. I chose two.” Hunter threw me to the ground and Violet did the same to Nikki. Nikki has lost a lot of blood . . . too much actually. Hunter stabbed a knife into my back. Violet smiled. “Nice one, Daddy.” I crawled away, my blood leaving a trail.

       “Leave Nikki alone!” I screamed. Tears fell down my cheeks. Violet ripped skin off of Nikki, and more blood came out. I stared towards the ceiling and screamed.

       “You’re both going to die,” Violet whispered in my ear. Sweat rolled down my face. Violet continued, “Both. Even though you made that choice, doesn’t mean you’ll get out alive. Daddy here might’ve said you can, but I am your controller now. There is no turning back.” Tears and sweat mixed together, and I looked towards Violet.

       “I’m going to get you.” I strained to tell Violet. Violet chuckled.

       “Oh, how you wish you can do that.” Violet said, lifting my head off of the ground. I kicked Violet in the side, it did no effect. Violet ripped a piece of skin off of my neck. I cried in pain.

       “You’re possessed.” And those were the last words that came out of my mouth, before my life turned to the end.

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