Chapter 4: Arrested

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Sergeant J Myers POV

       “We have to find where Adam went.” I told my team.

       “Myers, I saw skid marks on the street, and I think it’s follows to where the girl was taken.”

       “Follow it.” My team rushed out to their SWAT cars and followed one another. I reached the house a few minutes later. My team got out of their cars and held up their guns.

       “This is the police! We have you surrounded. No way out. Come out with your hands up.” I yelled through a mega phone. We waited 4 minutes, yet no one came out. “Woods, Blake, Thomas, Jack, follow me.” The four officers followed me into the house. We walked up to the door and rammed it down. Dust filled the space.

                “Jack, go ahead.” Jack ran into the building and yelled, “Sir, I found a door!” I nodded at Woods, Thomas and, Blake. I walked towards Jack and busted down the door. Violet groaned and looked at Hunter.

       “Hunter.” Violet whispered. Violet cried when she saw the puddle of blood around Hunter. Hunter looked at Violet.

       “F - - find the girl.” Hunter whispered.

       “Not without you.”

       “My command. Go find the girl.” Violet got up slowly.

       “Yes sir.” Violet heard whispering and walked towards the voices. A minute later, Violet was on the ground with a gun pointing to her head.

       “Pl - - please do - - don’t k - - kill me.” Violet stammered.

       Hunter looked at Violet. Violet grabbed a knife and cut me. I kicked Violet in the head. Hunter looked wide eyed.

       “We’ve been looking for you for a long time Hunter.”

       “D - - did you k - - kill her?” Hunter asked.

       “No.” I looked back at Jack, Woods, Blake and, Thomas. “Lock them up.” Thomas pulled Hunter up and Woods pulled Violet up.

       “You’ll never kill us.” Hunter said quietly. I kicked Hunter in the jaw.

       “Shut up, dork face.”

       “Oh, no need for language.”

       “Thomas, I said GET HIM OUT OF HERE!”

       “Yes sir.” Thomas ran out of the room.

       “Woods get her up.”

       “But sir - -”

       “Now. Get her out now.”

       I walked into a bedroom filled with Nikki’s blood.

       “Hmm, this must be the room Nikki was in.” I pulled out my camera and took pictures. “They will be in prison.” I whispered to myself as I walked out of the room. “I just hope Nik is OK.” I walked out of the house and drove off.

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