Chapter 4

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"Okay first things first, what caused the vomiting, bowel movements, and cramps in the first place?" Dr. Jauregui asked.

"They could've been contaminated by one single person then spread around through physical contact." one of the healthy doctors suggested.

"But what virus or bacteria can someone have so badly it infected so many people?" Another asked.

"I don't know, you tell me." He retaliated.

"Well you're the one that came up with that dumb idea. Clearly this isn't the normal case of the flu."

"I don't see you suggesting anything better."

"Okay! Both of you shut your mouths, you're acting like little boys. Anyway, we have to look at all the possibilities." Lauren said "Maybe it's not even a virus, it could've been a usual case of food poisoning from the cafeteria."

"But how would that explain the bleeding? Usually, it's just cramps, vomit, and bowel movements. No blood."

"Yeah plus the food there is supposed to be safe." an intern added.

Dr. Jauregui looked at all the doctors with an unamused expression. They seriously didn't think outside the box and she would hate it if one day she had to team up with one of them.

"You said it yourself, first year. It's supposed to be, what if it wasn't this time? What are some things that could happen if you're constantly vomitting Dr. Grant?"

"Well um, there could be a tear in the lower part of the esophagus or the upper part of the stomach." he said nervously, afraid that he may be wrong. Everyone in that room had much respect for Lauren Jauregui, they didn't want to fail her, some were even scared of her. Well everyone besides Dinah, she knew that the doctor was very soft on the inside.

"Exactly what I was thinking. Do we all agree to start on tests for Mallory-Weiss Tear?"

After receiving nods from everyone, she sent Dinah to get a CBC blood count and Lauren would be doing an EGD to examine the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine. She exited the room and went to the patient who was representing all the effected, but first she gowned herself as a precaution.

"Hello Mr. Johnson, I'll be doing a procedure here to examine parts of your digestive system."

"What kind of procedure?"

"Well it's a scope that will be inserted through your mouth, but don't worry, you won't feel a thing." Lauren assured.


The nearby nurse put medicine into one of his veins to relax him and so he wouldn't feel pain or remember the procedure. Then, an anesthetic was sprayed into his mouth to prevent him from coughing or gagging once the scope was inserted. Next, a mouth guard was used to protect the teeth and the scope.

Lauren asked the man to lie on his left side then continued to insert the scope through his esophagus to the stomach. She used air from the scope so she could fully see and then she took some biopsies of some of the lining so she could send them to the lab to be looked at under the microscope. The entire procedure lasted about fifteen minutes.

"How'd it go Dr. Jauregui?" The head of her department asked.

"Good sir, we'll just have to wait for the lining and CBC results."

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