Chapter nine: A New Friend

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The livliy cafeteria was filled with hungry students and loud conversations, as people moved about the Luchroom, Alison stayed out of the way. Waiting in line for her turn with Kate, Alison spied the cafeteria food, looking at it, it didn't look all that appealing, the only other choice was the vending machine, but a candy bar wasn't going to do the job.

Leaning towards Alison Kate whispered "You see that macaroni right there?" Nodding Alison waited for her to continue.

Kate made a funny face, muttering "yeah, don't get that unless you like hard noodles, I mean it's really gross" Kate made a funny face wrinkling her nose.

Walking up to the counter Alison held her her tray out, as the woman slapped food on her plate, Alison tried convincing herself it wasn't that bad. forcing a smile Alison thanked the woman who made her tray. Moving along Kate did the same.

"Can I just have-" Kate tried to rush the words out, but before she could finish the woman put the food on her plate. "Ah, thanks..." Kate forced a smile, then bowed, trying to be polite, even though woman didn't wait to hear her out, as always.

Catching up to Alison at the register Kate interpreted"I'll pay" setting her tray down she reached into her purse, grabbing out her wallet she handed the money to the man at the counter.

"Thank you" Alison wanted to protest, but she knew Kate would have argued. putting her wallet back Kate patted Alison's shoulder, Beaming with cheerfulness she picked up her tray and headed towards the tables.

Alison maneuvered her way through the crowd following after Kate, she spotted an empty table, Kate walked up and took a seat, taking the spot next to her,  Alison was thankful she didn't pick a table full of strange students.

Taking a bite of her potatoes Alison looked at her friend. Bowing her head, she prayed over her food. Alison kept silent till her friend was done. She hadn't prayed since she was a little girl, after her father passed away God was never spoken about, Vivian wasn't a church person, or a beliver at that, the woman hated it when Alison would talk of her father reading the Bible to her. they were pracious times she could think back on, but for her they were just memories now.

"Hey guys!"Conner and Jason took a seat across the table. Once Jasons tray hit the table he promptly started eating his homemade chicken sandwich. Bowing his head like his sister had done, Conner quietly prayed.

"Oh, yeah, that's right." Jason looked up "God forgive me" Closing his eyes and folding his hands he said a quick prayer. "Amen" finshing he promptly started digging into his food again.

Looking down Kate wriggled her nose at the sight of the mixed foods on her tray. Picking at it she reluctantly took a bite. Cringing at the mixture, Kate swallowed hard.

"What's that look?" Jason laughed "Do you not like it?" Reaching over with his fork in hand he took a bite of her food.

Blushing Kate tapped his hand "Who said you could take my food?" Chewing, Jason blinked innocently, reaching over he took another bite.

"But your food taste so good"
Smiling, he knew she couldn't be mad at him.

Alison wanted to ask Jason about himself, since she had gotten to the school, she had barely even spoken a couple words to him.
She wanted to know why he chose music, and what he loved about it. But she didn't have the confidence to speak to him.

Kate pushed her plate towards Jason, as she took a roll off his plate she smiled embarrassed. "Your food always taste better" she teased back.

"Yeah, we all know how you hate it when the lunch lady mixes your food" Conner interjected, taking a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"You should really start bringing your own food, like I do"

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