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I could barely keep my swollen eyes open as Disco slapped my face again with the whip. The cold metallic rope stung as it ripped my cheek . By now the feeling of pain was only a slight jolt.

My arms hung limply above my head. Two dangling chains held them there. A thin tube ran from one arm and injected a drug into my system. I recognized the sickly green liquid. a neutralizer to my devil fruit....they had used it before when I went out of control.

Disco violently grabbed a hand full of my hair and forced my head up. I weakly looked at the sadistic man in raffish clothing that stood smiling before me.

"So glad that you're back, Misaki..."he teased as he rubbed the new scar on my cheek, "I've missed you so much...."

I growled at him and tried to bite his hand. He pulled away and shook his head.

"," he smirked, "We can't have you acting like that....or no one will buy you."

He held up his whip again and his voice lowered, "Doflamingo was quite angry at me when you escaped...." he sneered coldly, "This is my chance to get back on his good side...don't screw it up."

Then the whip slashed against my face again. My mind drifted to ignore the pain and I blankly stared at the stone floor as my fresh blood pooled along the ground.

I lost consciousness somewhere between the rhythmic whipping.


Luffy POV

"Chopper?! have you seen Misaki?" I called as I jumped of off the ferris wheel.

"Wasn't she with you Luffy?" asked Chopper as he walked over with Brook and Hatchen.

"Yeah but she ran off to the bathroom and hasn't come back."

I looked around again, trying to catch sight of her.

Suddenly Kemei appapered with Pappug.

"LUFFY!!!" they both screamed, as they desperately ran over to us.

"What's wrong?"

Kemei grabbed my vest.

"They took her!' she screamed as tears strained her eyes, "The Slavetraders took Misaki!"

I froze, my smile fell, "What?..." I whispered.

"We were walking to the bathroom and saw them lifting Misaki into a bubble, "explained Pappug sadly, "We tried to chase after them, but the bubble floated away!!!" Pappug fell to the ground crying.

My hat covered my eyes as the thoughts rushed through my mind....

They took Misaki away?

"Hatchen," I growled, not moving. "Where can we find these slave traders..."

"Luffy..." said Hatchen sorrowfully, "I already told you, once the Slavetraders get you it hopeles-"

"HATCHEN!" I screamed, the anger bursting from me as I turned to him. "Where are the slave traders...." My gaze tore through him.

"The Human Autcion House in Grove 1" he mumbled, "But Luffy, It's useless, the Celestial Dragons purchase slaves from that place."

My fists clenched, "I don't care." I spoke calmly.

Then I turned to Chopper and Brook, "Get the rest of the crew and head to the Auction House." I ordered.

They nodded and quickly took off.

I ran straight for the Grove 1.

Misaki...I'll definently save you.


Killer's POV

So far this island had been boring! I had tried fighting "Mad Monk" Urorge to test out my strength, but stupid X Drake stopped both of us.

I walked towards the massive wooden door of the Human Auction House, my blades trailing behind me.

I sighed.....Why Kid wanted us to go here, I have no clue......but he's been acting strange from the moment we landed on this island.

I guess news that Trafalgar Law was here really distracted him. Ever since Misaki's kidnapping, whenever Law''s name was spoken, Kid would kill someone or destroy something.

Our crew quickly learned to hide all news of Law from Kid's murderous sight.

I sighed again as I entered the dimly lite building.

The seats were loosely filled with those disgusting scum nobles, holding bags of gold greedily as they waited for the upcoming bidding.

The brightly lite stage stood proudly at the end of the row of chairs.

I glanced quietly around and found my familiar scowling captain leaning against the back wall.

" You're late." he growled as I walked next to him.

"Sorry just fighting someone." I mumbled as I settled down against the wall.

We waited for the Auction to begin.


Law's POV

I watched calmly from the shadows as Urorge and Killer faced each other. Unfortunately, X Drake stopped them from killing each other. What a shame.

I strolled out of my hiding spot after they had left. I don't want to run into those Kid Pirates, it would be quite troublesome.

The thought of Her still bugged me, but I pushed those useless emotions aside....she was dead.

"Um Captain?" asked Bepo as he walked behind me.

"What is it?" I asked emotionlessly.

"Where are we going, Captain?"

"The slave auction," I replied as the large blue building came into view.

"Why are we going there?" Asked Shachi

I grinned evily, "Because it will be fun."


Misaki POV

Strong arms held my weak form as a thick collar was clasped onto my neck. Disco oversaw the entire process. This time he wasn't taking any chances. I heard noisy chattering as I sat in the cell behind the stage. Four guards were positioned at my cage, and the green drug was being pumped into my veins through a needle connected to the back of the collar.

My eyes were empty as I remembered this familiar picture. The chains....the moans of other as they lay shivering in their cages.....the loud shouts of bidders....the torture.

Suddenly my metal door flung open and arms lifted me . They half-carried, half-dragged me up.

"Careful," grunted one voice, "She's worth more then all these other slaves combined."

Careful? I thought almost laughing at the statement.

Disco's slimy voice cut into my mind.

"And now Ladies and Gentlemen."he announced proudly, "The most prized slave that we have, unlike any other person....150,000,000 Beli Water Demon Misaki!"

Blinding lights hit my eyes as I was forced out on the stage. Disco's firm hand held me at the center as gasps sounded though the room.

"Let's start the bidding at-"



I sneered as that scum Disco sold of another slave. This world is twisted. I just want to kill every single one of them.

A figure caught my eye as he nonchalantly strolled into the room.

My eyes widened and then glared in pure hatred.

Trafalgar Law.

His gaze met mine, and I saw a glint of worry in his eye, but it was soon replaced with arrogance as he gave me the finger.

He's dead!

I was about to make a move but then paused.....His crew was there...but where was Misaki! What did the bastard do to her!

Suddenly Disco'a voice pierced into my mind, " ........150,000,000 Beli, Water Demon Misaki!"

My face twisted at the sound of that name. WHAT!

My heart froze as I saw Misaki standing helplessly on the stage, chained down and covered in blood. Her pure white face had scars from sharp whips. Her feet were barely supporting herself as she swayed from side to side. But the thing that struck me the most were her eyes. Absolutely sign of life came from those empty orbs.

I roared as my body moved to rip apart every single bastard in this room.



My eyes adjusted to the dark auction house and I heard a growl off to my left.

I turned to see the malicious face of Eustass kid....he seemed quite angry....How would I explain what happened to Miss Misaki?

I pushed the thought of her away again and put on my stoic expression, giving Kid the finger as I did it.

Kid tensed ready to strike me. I placed my hands together as I concentrated on preparing my "Room".

" ........150,000,000 Beli, Water Demon Misaki" the announcer proudly stated.

My head shot up as my concentration shattered. MISAKI!?

I whipped my head to the stage and immediately saw the lone girl standing there. Something in my chest shot a jolt through me and then I felt a darkness enter as I observed Misaki more closely. She was beaten half to death, the large slave collar almost chocking the life out of her. The announcer was grinning wickedly at her as if she were a precious jewel.

My eyes darkened as I prepared to form my "Room" again, my Nodachi aimed straight at Announcer's heart.



Misaki POV

Disco was about to start the bidding when the front door exploded into a million pieces. Bidders fell to the ground screaming as a huge cloud of smoke flowed into the room.

Disco looked around panicky as he held me in a death grip.

A single voice broke through turmoil.

"MISAKI!" it shouted. I looked up with wide eyes as Luffy appeared out of the smoke. He landed dead in the center of the Auction House.

"LUFFY!" I screamed back, tears streaming down my face.

"Misaki! I'm gonna save you!" he roared back, his intense gaze fixed on me.

I nodded believing every word.

Disco suddenly grabbed me by the waist.

"There's no way I'm letting you escape again. "he growled as he held up a remote. It was the detonator to my collar.

He gave a maniac grin, "If I can't have one can." he whispered. then his finger descended on the button.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!"



I watched in shock. The detonator exploded into pieces. Disco was thrown across the room by a rubber fist, and I was teleported into gentle arms.

I gazed up and met dark calculating eyes.


whew long chapter!

I loved writing it (^~^)!!

Please comment on what you guys think.



Btw she is not with anyone yet, keep voting on who she should end up with :P

Stuck Between Three Demons (One Piece Fanfic) [Continued by jordybaby97]Where stories live. Discover now