Reply 1988 (2015-2016)

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This is year 1988. It was a time when it was chilly but our hearts were fiery, and we didn't have much but people's hearts were warm.

There was no internet and no smartphones back then. Thinking about it now, how did we spend all the time? – Sung Duk Seon

Daughters are better. – Lee Il Hwa

Even if I had difficult moments, I was able to overcome it with determination. – Sung Duk Seon

Am I a joke to you? Am I someone who you can just treat like a garbage? – Sung Duk Seon

This day wasn't that special of a day. The misery of being the second daughter was always like this, after all. – Sung Duk Seon

I thought that my mom and dad were aware of how much I'd sacrificed, but that wasn't the case. – Sung Duk Seon

Why are you acting this way? You're making my heart hurt. – Sung Sun Woo

Her tenacity is nothing to laugh at. – Sung Sun Woo

Your mom wants to know everything, though. – Ra Mi Ran

Dads don't automatically become dads the moment you're born. – Sung Dong Il

In the end, what helps you overcome obstacles isn't brains but someone who'll take your hand and won't let you go. In the end, that's family. Even for heroes, the people they go back to in the end is family. The scars inflicted upon you outside the home and the scars inflicted on you by life itself, and even the pain inflicted on you by family, the people who will hold you and stand by you until the end, it's family.

Don't reciprocate his stupidity. It'll become a habit. – Ra Mi Ran

Is he a cyborg? How could he not shed even a tear? – Sung Duk Seon

It's just that adults keep it bottled up. They were just busy being adults and they just acted strong due to the pressure that comes with their age. Adults feel pain, too.

Even so, it's fine to be deluded sometimes.There's no need to force the harsh truth onto a small bit of happiness. Sometimes you need an illusion to be happy.

You have to treat your parents well while they're around. – Sung Dong Il

Mothers tend to be the one you miss the most, whether they're dead or alive. – Sung Dong Il

I miss my mom every single day. – Choi Taek

An adult-like child is just one without complaints. It's just that they've acclimated to the world of adults and they've grown used to the illusions around them. An adult-like child is just that, a child. An illusion is short but a misunderstanding lasts a long time. That's why illusions offer freedom while misunderstandings chain you down.

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