She Was Pretty (2015)

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I want to preserve this first love fantasy. – Kim Hye Jin

I wasn't confident enough to be a loser in front of my first love. – Kim Hye Jin

Before I met you, I always thought it made sense to always be alone. But after I became friends with you, I started to realize that by having even just one friend in the world who stays by your side, that this world is not so lonely, that it can be this fun. – Ji Seong Joon

One day, our reality breaks away from our expectations without warning. So at times, things don't turn out the way you'd hoped. And sometimes things turn out a whole lot better than expected. – Kim Hye Jin

Reality, without any prior notice, surpasses our expectations. That's why you can't be caught off guard in life. – Kim Hye Jin

I came back to find my umbrella. – Ji Seong Joon

When I'm with him I can't even breathe properly. – Kim Hye Jin

Were you destroying your brain cells because you have too many? But you don't seem to be a genius. – Kim Shin Hyuk

They say you only see as much of the world as you know about it, it may be the same for humans. – Kim Hye Jin

It's my body, my life. Only what makes me happy matters. Who cares what other people think? That's dumb. – Min Ha Ri

Seong Joon: Do you know what kind of people I think are really pathetic? People who are only hard-working but have nothing to be proud of. Like you.

Hye Jin: How about me telling you what kind of people I hate the most? Someone who doesn't listen to others, who looks down on people who are not as skilled as you are. Like you, Deputy Chief Director.

It's my goddess philosophy, I have to have everything I love. – Min Ha Ri

When we meet, I will be your umbrella again. – Kim Hye Jin

Hye Jin: You probably won't believe it, but when I was young I was actually really pretty.

Shin Hyuk: You still are now.

You're always so lively and look like you have no worries. I didn't even imagine you'd have that kind of wound. – Kim Hye Jin

From now on, I will be by your side. I will be your umbrella. – Kim Hye Jin

Ha Ri: I'm sorry, I have to go.

Shin Hyuk: What is this? Ugh, I got dressed up for nothing. I should take some selfies.

You never got to see it to the end and that might be the real reason you can't easily forget her. So get out of your past and live in the present.

"Love is crazy and openly allowed." Even in movies, there's a line like that. Be crazy. Doesn't everyone love while being that crazy? Instead of complicating it, if you let yourself be crazy, it's simple. Don't look back and regret it, just go for it. – Kim Shin Hyuk

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