Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim (2016-2017)

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Chapter 1. How to Put an Elephant in a Refrigerator

An era of injustice. An era of inequality. An era full of discontent and distrust. It became an era in which patients were discriminated against based on who they were and how much money they had. But at that moment, he courageously made an entrance.

If you really want to get revenge, become a much better human being than those people. – Boo Yong Joo

Don't get revenge with anger, but with skill. – Boo Yong Joo

If you don't change, nothing will, either. – Boo Yong Joo

Hey, Intern. How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator? The answer is... get the intern to do it. – Yoon Seo Jung

Dong Joo: You have a big ego, but you're still so thirsty for others' acknowledgement!

Seo Jung: You're a damn psycho who thinks he's hot crap and has no respect!

He never acknowledges me. – Yoon Seo Jung

Are you getting revenge on him or low-key flirting with him? – Ah Ra

Her nickname is Crazy Whale, but she's actually quite a tender-hearted whale. – Nurse

How do you think you'd feel if you were lying here (hospital bed) but the doctor in charge of you was saying stuff like It can't be helped? – Yoon Seo Jung

It's okay. You saved him. That's all that matters. You did the right thing. – Yoon Seo Jung

Looks like you managed to get one of the elephant's feet into the refrigerator. – Yoon Seo Jung

Is it not okay for me to fall head over heels for you? – Kang Dong Joo

I want to date you. And I want to sleep with you. I like you, Sunbae. I want to sleep with you. – Kang Dong Joo

Chapter 2. The Last Days of Adrenaline Hypersecretion

An era of discrimination. An era in which your family ties dictate your place in the world more than your skills. Even in a hospital, where people are supposed to value human lives and help others overcome struggles. There is a monarchy-like hierarchy prevalent in society even in the 21st century.

You're not standing here wanting to face off against me without even risking that little, are you? – Do Yoon Wan

In other words, I got screwed over. – Kang Dong Joo

I only care about one thing, saving the patient. Save the patient no matter what, and screw everything else. – Teacher Kim

If I didn't take on that risk, I would've lost my chance. – Kang Dong Joo

You've become such a coward, full of excuses. – Yoon Seo Jung

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