Side Note-The layout of the Underworld

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Hi all. This is for those of you who would like a mental map of the Underworld, as it can get rather confusing at times. You've all heard something of the City in the past chapters, but I might repeat that. Feel free to come back to this anytime you need.

The Underworld is set up as one giant circle.

At the Center is the Citadel. The Citadel can be used as a meeting place for the leaders of all Supernatural creatures or as a place of worship to the general public. There is no particular deity that can be prayed to at the Citadel, you can ask for help from the Heavens, or you can ask Hell to curse a particular someone. Most of the spells that require large amounts of energy or space can be worked here, but you would need permission. The design of the Citadel is a main room (first floor) used for prayer/worship (you can see all the way up, it's built like a spire). Located underground the Citadel are the Archives and the Great Library. There is also a courtyard just before the great hall. (Think of a the Blue Mosque [look it up] in Turkey [country] only with spires instead of domes.

All around the Citadel is where you can find the various shops that sell stuff- ranging from children's toys to the rarest of spices and potions. The markets usually makes lots of money on the days there are things going on at the Citadel. Some shops are tailored for certain Supernatural kinds only. Some parts of the Archives and Great Library run underneath here. The Dungeons, sewer systems also run under here and act as the most disgusting labyrinth ever, along with some other nasty creatures. The Hunters (both types) often train here, it's close by.

Surrounding the markets and Citadel is a wall. This wall acts as a gate to the inner core of the Underworld. The wall is also a garrison for the soldiers we have stationed here (yes, we sort of have an army. No, we are not planning to take over the human's earth. yet.) The Day Hunters usually work on the surface of the Earth and make sure mortals don't accidentally get in. (it's happened before and that was interesting-the guy was drunk or something- but we have ways to deal with that. the guy's not dead, we just erased his memory a bit...we just don't really like humans in our inner sanctum...) but just in case we have soldiers. it's also in case we decide to war against another Supernatural nation (yes there are others out there...). There is also access to the Dungeons here.

Protruding from the inner wall are these mini-wall things. think spokes on a wheel. the mini-walls have gates so you can get through one district to another. each space between the gates is known as a district. there is a district for each Supernatural kind. Witches, Werewolves, Fae ( they also have the Never-never, but that's another story), Vampires, demi/full blood demons, half/minor gods/goddesses, and full/half blood angels. That's a lot of differences and gates to each district. the City had to add the mini-walls because the land disputes were just plain maddening after a few hundred years. The Night Hunters and the Day Keepers also had their own section as well. this place can be confusing as hell (...not literally...) and you were fucked if you didn't know your way around. And of you didn't know, you'd come face to face something that would gladly fuck you up.

And finally, there was one last giant wall encompassing the entire City. It was huge and had gates in each district for entrance or exit. Here you could take a Portal to a Mortal City. each gate had guards, just in case.

-Other Stuff-

Formal barracks-guards and army housing

Arena and training place- fights and stuff.

Towers in each district-each has different uses, depending on the kind that lived there.

Schools- need I explain school?

Theater- plays and entertainment

Great Forge- always crafting armor, weapons, and other useful things. Run by dwarves and gnomes.

Observatory- we don't see the sky, at least not the way humans do, we see the history and the future.


All of this in one place. It's a lot to take in. The Underworld isn't small. It's a place inside the Earth, but it's not visible to humans.

Yes this was kinda long. Sorry for that. I'll keep updating on this when I think of more stuff...

I will try to draw a map and post it in the media section, but that'll take some time.

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