Just Imagine

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Just Imagine

Imagine how easy

Life would be,

If all our troubles vanished,

Would there be peace?

Imagine a place,

Where problems weren’t real,

And time would do more

Than simply, just heal,

Imagine a haven

With all worries cast aside,

No walls to contain us

Nothing we’d have to hide,

Imagine a paradise

Where love wasn’t labelled,

Where two people could unite

As long as they’re able,

Imagine a life

Free of misery and pain,

Where scars would fade

And souls wouldn’t stain,

Imagine feeling alive

Every second of the day,

Where no bad thoughts would haunt you

And only good thoughts would stay,

Imagine the peace

If we saw from all perspectives,

And despite our differences

Everyone was accepted,

Imagine a time

Where laughter seldom stopped;

A much happier place

Where tears seldom dropped,

Imagine a dream

Where all women were respected,

And every time “It’s a Girl”,

The baby wasn’t rejected,

Imagine now

If all this was real,

If the world was a better place,

How would you feel?

Imagine one day,

If everyone said,

“Let’s change the world.”

Would our sorrows all shed?

Imagine a world,

Where happiness was forever stored,

Now imagine a day,

When you won’t have to imagine anymore


I really like this one and I hope you guys do too! Please tell me what you think, vote and comment! :) <3

How do you want to change the world?

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