Chapter 3-I literally fell for you.

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Chapter 3

Aria's PoV

Day two and I hated it. I want to go home,home to America.

I bet all my friend is on the beach right now having really fun.. I thought as I looked out the window of the classroom and sighed. This was the last period for today, luckily. I have to get out of her before someone will brain wash me, hah no. I won't let that happen.

The bell rang and I took up my books and leaved to my room. I sat down on my bed and the door opened,It was Liam.

"What do you want?"I spat,and he laughed. Seriously what's funny?

"Well I hope you didn't think that Military school was just like a summer school." He chuckled

 "Meet me behind the P.E in five minutes" He said and threw some clothes at me and leaved. I looked at the clothes and it was a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt.

I wonder what he meant by that... I thought that if I wanted to know I had to go. I took on the clothes he threw at me and walked out there he said he would meet me.I looked around and saw he walking towards me.

"So Robertson I want you to climb that." He said and pointed at a huge stone wall that have to be at least ten meters high."Are You serious?!" I laughed. "I will die!"

"That's why you will wear this."He smirked and gave me a helmet. "yeah cause That will help when I break my neck!"I yelled and took it on.

"The faster you start the faster you'll be done." He said and pointed at the wall again.. I guess he's right.I started to walk over to the wall and looked back at the smirking Liam,He's such and idiot I hate him.I started to climb up on the stones and some small stones fell down.

"i'm going to die"I swallowed.

I've been climbing for over an hour and I only fall down all the time! I have alot of wounds on both my arms and legs now but Liam said that I had to reach the top before I could go to my room.

"Come on only two meters left!" I heard Liam yell from the ground, I looked up and saw that it wasn't much at all .I started to climb longer up. I looked out and you could see the whole school from here!

Then I spotted someone looking at me...It was Zayn.

That's all I remember before I fell down and everything went black.

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