Chapter 27: Backstage Shenanigans

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Thank you so much @imlegitcrazy ❤️💜💙💚💛


Skyler Aviana Hemmings

"Drew! Put on your shirt!" Percy screamed

I shook my head and my bandmates' weirdness while Drew ran around our dressing room shirtless.

"Leave him be, Percy." I groaned

Drew cheered silently and sat beside me while Percy grumbled, walking to the mini fridge.

The door opened slowly and I saw my brother, as well as his bandmates, walk in.

"Hey Skyler." My brother smiled

I ignored him and poked Drew.

"What?" Drew asked

I didn't reply but kept on poking him instead. He suddenly grasped my wrist in his hand. I cringed slightly at how tight the grip is and that he was gripping on my not so fresh wounds.

Drew probably noticed my reaction and released his grasp but coughed loudly. Avan and Percy turned to our direction and walked over.

"Is everything okay?" Percy asked

"Yep." I nodded and stood up to get a can of Monster.

"Skyler. You're too young for energy drinks." Luke scolded

"Says the guy who drank beer when he was 16 or something and got in trouble." I rolled my eyes

Everyone started laughing except me and Luke.

"What the hell is your problem?" Luke seethed

I shook my head and drank my energy drink.

"All I've been was nothing but be nice to you!" He screamed at me

"Well I guess you should've kept in contact with me whenever you left for months!" I screamed at him, tears blurring my vision

I wiped my eyes with my fist roughly before saying, "You act like you're the fucking victim when its clear that mom hates me because of you! You were always the apple of their eyes! No one ever payed attention to me unless I did something wrong!"

"Skyler.." Luke started but I cut him short

"Just shut up!" I screamed

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw someone handing me pills for my anger problems.

"Take your pills." Percy mumbled

I grabbed two pills and swallowed them without drinking water.

"I'll be in the car." I whispered to no one in particular

I grabbed all my stuff and walked out, wiping some tears.

A security guard approached me and said, "I am here to accompany you to the van."

"Okay." I mumbled and walked off with him behind me

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