Chapter 21: Myler or Nah?

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Skyler Aviana Hemmings

"What time is the concert later?" Avan asked no one in particular

"Around 8." Calum replied subconsciously

"Luke! Me and Skyler will have a day out okay?" Michael said entering the room

"What?" Me and my brother said in sync

"Yep. You guys heard me. Now, Skyler get your ass ready we leave in 10." He smiled at us

I shook my head at him but stood up to change.

I directly went to my wardrobe and pulled out a distressed pair of black denim shorts and a black sleeveless crop top.

Michael entered as i was changing but i didn't mind. If a guy sees you in a bikini then thats just the same as a guy seeing you half naked. Deal with it. 😹

He sat on the bed and looked at me as i put on my top.

"Mike?" I looked at him and he hummed in response

"Do i look okay?" I asked him feeling insecure

"Yep. But you need to bring it up a bit so in conclusion..." He trailed off, stalking to his own wardrobe and pulled out his 'IDIOT' flannel

"You need a flannel." He smiled at me cheekily, tossing the worn out flannel at me

I pulled it off my face and put it on.

"Thanks. Can you help me fold the sleeves a tad?" I asked

He replied with a soft 'Sure.' and folded the sleeves three times. After he was folding both sleeves it ended at the middle of my forearm.

"There. Now get yourself some shoes or something." He smiled

I nodded and took out my black converse high tops.

"Your hair is still messy." He laughed at me

"Hold up." I mumbled, taking my hair out off its messy bun and ran a hand through it.

I grabbed a black beanie and put it on.

"Lets go." I looked at him, grabbing his hands

"We're going now!" He called out throughout the hotel room

"Be safe and take care of my sister Clifford!" I heard my brother yell back

Once we were outside the hotel we saw a small crowd of fans sitting on the floor, chattering.

"Michael. Look, they're your fans. You better say hi." I whispered to him

He grumbled out a 'fine' and he intertwined out fingers.

"You have stubby fingers." I giggled, squeezing his hand

He pouted at me before chuckling and hugging me to his side.

We heard shrieks, whispers and mumbling as we approached the fans.

"Oh my gosh!"
"Its that Luke's sister?"

I smiled at them and pushed myself off of Michael.

"Hey." He pouted

I let out a breathy chuckle and shook my head.

"Hello!" I smiled at the fans

"Are you Luke's sister?" One of them asked me

I nodded my head.

"You're beautiful." They mumbled

"Thanks." I blushed lightly

"I brought Michael to you so why don't you guys chatter him up, yeah?" I smiled

"Nah. We're tired of them. We wanna know about you!" A girl exclaimed

I grinned at them and sat down on the ground. The fans and Michael looked at me confusingly.

"What? Don't wanna chat?" I laughed

They all sat, including Michael. He sat behind me and placed me between his legs.

"Why don't you have an Australian accent like Luke?" A fan asked

"I moved to England and stayed with a friend for a few years. I come home whenever Luke would come back from tour." I replied

Michael wrapped his arms around me and I played with his fingers.

The fans and i chattered for twenty minutes before we told them we had to go.

As we got into the van Michael called for i heard a girl scream a faint 'I SHIP MYLER!'.

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