'So What? We're Stebro's, I Can Still Love You' BXB 5

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Sky’s P.O.V

“MOTHER WHERE IS IT!” I yelled menacingly. She stepped into the laundry and looked at me thoughtfully.

“I don’t know Son, but Vince was down here a little bit before.” I grunted.

“I FUCKING SWEAR IF HE …” I stormed up the stairs and over to his room, knocking politely but then storming in, pissed off, before his soft voice could give me permission to enter.

“VINCE HAVE YOU SE-” I stopped and grunted unhappily.

What the fuck - first he knees me in the balls and now he’s taking my shirts! I stormed into his room and over to him.

“Why the fuck are you wearing my FIR T-shirt - that’s hand signed by the Ronnie, by the way! Huh!?” He backed up a bit looking scared as hell.

“Well?!” I growled louder when he said nothing.

Vince’s P.O.V

‘What do I do?’ I thought. ‘If I don’t give him his shirt back, he’ll either punch me or kill me.’ I looked at him with a pleading look in my eyes, hopefully he won’t hurt me.

“Sky I’m sorry I just. . .couldn’t find a shirt and I saw this and I didn’t know it was yours-“ He growled and glared at me.

“Give it back before I beat your face in!” I looked away in a flinch.

He grabbed me by the shirt and growled, “NOW!” he drew his fist back and then I pushed him away growling very demonically.

“If you want the fucking shirt so damn bad then fucking take it back. Otherwise get the fuck out of my room,” I said dangerously. I took off his stupid shirt and threw it at him. “GET OUT.” He just stared at me after that.

skys a dick ant he yea but hes kinda the bad boy side of me but im a girl XD

so what were stepbros i can still love you bxb 1Where stories live. Discover now