'So What? We're Stebro's, I Can Still Love You' BXB3

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Sky’s P.O.V.

I hissed as I held my balls from the pain. I looked over at a shaking Vince as he told me that he was sorry, over and over again.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to! You just wouldn’t wake up and-and you were rubbing against me, and I panicked-” He stopped talking and looked at me. I sat up rubbing my balls to ease the pain.

“What the fuck were you doing on my bed!? Damn it, man! You’re a fucking good shot too!” he cowered at my pissed voice.

“I was coming up to tell you dinner was ready and you were asleep…and I-I was trying to wake you,” his voice was mousy and scared.

I growled, “Fine, but leave so I can get up without being hit in the nuts again.”

I watched Vince run out, frowning. I changed quickly and continued mumbling profanities while walking down to dinner. I grabbed an ice pack before sitting down and hissed as I placed the cold ass fucking ice on my poor nuts. Vince frowned and looked down. I layed my head back sighing as the pain started to numb,  the dinner conversation going in one ear and out the other. My mother started to say something and I zoned back in.

“So, Sky, honey, have you heard from your ex b-” she began, but I jumped up, growling.

“Mother, shut up! No, I haven’t” Vince looked at us with a look of confusion. “I’m going to bed,”  I stormed to my room, grumbling angrily as I went.

so what were stepbros i can still love you bxb 1Where stories live. Discover now