Chapter 20

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Im dearly sorry my turtles, this chapter is going to be semi short, But i hope you wont hate me too much for it


When you wake up Liams arm is still wraped around you, not wanting to wake him you gently lift his arm of you, and tiptoe into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

This didn't feel right, you are supposed to be waking up with Harry's arms around you.... NOT Liams. Your supposed to be making breakfast with Harry... NOT liam.

You sigh and continue anyway, you hope this feeling will pass. You dont want to be going soft, after all he cheated, lied and abused you... so why do you miss him so much? So many emotions, did you love Harry? or did you love liam? Maybe both? NO. How could you like both of them equaly, for god sakes he cheated.. and Liam is your bestfriend, and harrys band mate. No matter what you do, you feel like its the wrong thing to do.

You muct have been so deep in thought, because before you knew it, your food was burned..

" shit" you mumbed.

Liam must have smelled it because he came down wide eyed with concern.

Liam: what did you burn?

You: just some eggs, no big deal.

Liam: oh..

You: yeah, um Liam can I ask you somethinh?

Liam: sure, anyuthing.

You: Well do you think I should forgive Harry? I just, I still love him.

Liam: well, um. i guess if you truly love him.. But what about last night, when you told me you loved me?

You bit your lip as if in doing so the correct response would come out.

You: just, I dunno, I mean i guess i do kind of love you. God this is just so damn confussing Liam i dont know what to do!

You plop down on Liams brown couch and you slum down into the cushins, as if hoping they would suck you inside, so you could avoid this situation.

Liam: Do you love me?

You; I - i guess.

Liam: do you love harry?

you: Yes, I do, even after all hes done, I love him, but i dont know why.

Liam: I do.

You: what do you mean?

Liam: Y/N if you love Harry after all that hes done to you, he's your soul mate. No questionms asked.

You: but-

Liam: no comon get dressed were going to Harry's.


okY SO i personly think this sucks so far, tell me what you hink like it sucks and im half tempter to delete this part

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