Chapter Eight

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Beta!? I thought as I stepped out of the black car.

Piotr made his way over to me from his side of the car, a look of subtle anxiety on his face.

"How did this even happen?" I whispered. Piotr wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked.

He sighed, replying, "My old Alpha, may he rest in peace, passed away two days ago. His beta, my best friend, took his place. My friend has chosen me as his beta."

I looked up at him after he finished. His honey brown eyes had dark bags under them. I winced as I remember the night he found out...

The dark surrounded us as Piotr held me. I rested my hand on his chest, right over his heart. The rhythmic feel had practically lulled me to sleep when I heard a phone go off.

"Oh my god!" Piotr hissed, reluctantly pulling away from me.

I yawned and stretched as I sat up, hugging my knees to my chest. The bed creaked as Piotr moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

Light flooded the room as he turned on the bedside table. I watched as he answered his phone, answering it with a groggy "Hello".

"Caleb? Caleb, slow down!" Piotr ordered.

Though I couldn't see his face, I knew that the reason this man was calling couldn't be good. I watched as Piotr slouched, running his free hand through his hair.

In a quiet, shaking voice, he whispered, "He's what? How?"

Five minutes later, he put his phone down slowly. He didn't move from his spot, he just sat there without a word.

"Piotr?" I whispered.

Slowly, my mate positioned himself so he was sitting against the backboard, facing forward.

I could see tears falling from his eyes as he croaked, "It's all my fault,"

Instantly, he broke down. He was sobbing and rocking back and forth, shaking his head. My heart broke as I pulled laid my mates head in my lap.

"Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself," I whispered, pushing a locked of his hair behind his ear.

Piotr cried into my lap for a decent two hours. I ran my hands through his hair, I told him how good he was, I even kissed him on the cheek a couple of times.

Whatever had happened had definitely hurt him...

We were now in a very wide hallway. I was practically attached to Piotr's hip as he led me through the place.

This was his home. He'd been here since he was born, and he was going to be here even longer now. And I had to go with him.

After everything that's happened, I can honestly say I am in love with this man. And though I want nothing more than to stay with my own pack, I know that being away from him would tear me apart.

So in his pack, they'd demote me. I'd have to prove myself. And I have no clue where they'll put me.


Leaving my pack was not easy.

After I'd met Piotr's new alpha, and a few other lower ranked wolves, Piotr and I had gone back to say goodbye to my friends.

"You better come back soon!" Ceil cried into my shoulder. His hug was suffocating to say the least,

I, as well, cried. Ceil was my best friend, and I wouldn't be able to see him a lot. Not until he came for meetings at Piotr's pack, or Piotr came here for meetings. Because obviously I'd go with him.

As we broke apart, I chuckled and wiped Ceil's tears away. I sniffled, "I promise I'll be back. You're stuck with me." This only made him tear up more.

Andrew rolled his eyes at his mate, but I could see the tears in his eyes.

As I said my final goodbyes to the two of them, I saw a tall, lean woman walk up behind them.

"You're leaving already?" She asked, causing the two boys to jump.

They quickly parted for her, allowing her to walk towards me.

"Yes, Alph--"

"Marti. You know better, Eitan." Despite her monotonous voice, a smile appeared on her face. One if only ever seen around her mate.

She engulfed me in her arms, which surprised me greatly.

Marti sighed, "Be good. I'll send them your records so that hopefully they won't demote you too much."

She let me go and nodded her head to Piotr, growling, "Take care of him properly, or so help me I kick your ass. Understood?" Piotr nodded quickly.

With that, I said goodbye once more and we left.

As the car drove away, I couldn't help but tear up as I watched my home fade out of my sight.

A/N: This sucks, I know. But I'm trying to work through this writer's block. I'll be back on track soon, I promise.

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