Chapter One

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((There's a typo in the picture. Ignore that.))

A smile grew on the older man's thin face.

"Really?" A low chuckle came from the tall figure.

I nodded my head, keeping a straight face. My voice cracked as I said, "Yes."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, asking quietly, "Did you kick his ass?"

Biting my lip, I shook my head. A smile tugged at my lips as I looked up at him. The older male threw his arms in the air, glaring down at me playfully.

"Why not? You had the chance!"

I pushed him, laughing, "Ceil, shut up!"

The brown haired male rolled his eyes as we walked. "But it's Dean. You hate Dean!" He stated.

I shrugged my shoulder, chuckling. "Yeah, I do, don't I?" I replied.

Ceil draped his muscular arm over my shoulders, sighing deeply.

"This is why he keeps disrespecting you-- you're too soft on him." The man stated.

Shrugging his arm off of me, I growled, "I know how to keep my group under control, Murphy."

Ceil rolled his eyes at my wolf's attempt to seem superior. Ceil was a beta- the beta for this pack.

Usually, a hunter doesn't get the chance to meet such a high rank, but I did. It wasn't too long ago...

"Eitan, you're a flanker! I give orders, you obey. Am I understood?" The lead hunter (at the time) growled.

I was a small lad, my muscles hadn't developed yet, but I was very determined to stand up to this man.

He was a very self-centered man. Always taking the credit for kills, when his old frail bones could not even take down a boar!

"But sir-" I began, causing my fellow hunters to gasp. No one talks back to Samuel. No one talks back to the leader.

"You're not helping your case! Shut up before I back hand you." Samuel snarled, his scarred, bearded face was about an inch from my smooth-as-a-babies-bottom face.

I tried hard not to fight him, but it was to no avail. I growled, "You can't treat these people like this! It's unfair. Stop taking the credit, you-"


I was thrown to the forest floor, the bulky man atop me. My vision was blurred from the impact to my head, but I was almost certain he was pummeling my baby face.

He was about to break my nose with his meaty fist, when he was pulled off me. A tall man with black hair had the old man in his grips, a growl rippling through the evergreens.

"Back off, Williams. He didn't hit you, now did he?" The thin, but muscular, male spat.

The look on the older man's face was one of fear, rage even. "He talked back to me! That's all he ever does! He's useless!" He howled, his stupid face jiggled from the scream.

The black haired male, Ceil, scoffed. He had a huge grin on his face, and I knew that because he glanced over at me.

Ceil looked me over, sending heat to my cheeks.

"He's thin, muscular, no doubt a great runner. And he was standing up for his fellow pack mates. By God, I believe he could replace you in a heartbeat." He stated, glaring back at Samuel.

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