chapter 3

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    Johnnie pulled a folded piece of paper out of his back pocket. "I do believe Geometry. What about you?"

   I jumped up with joy and almost hugged him but held back. "Me too!" I grabbed Jonnie by the hand and pulled him out of the room. I let go of him so we could weave through the other high schoolers. Once we reached the safety of my locker I looked at him. He was about 5'6 so three inches taller than me. I grinned a cheezy smile.

     He looked at me, "You're short Sam."

     "Shut up!" I felt my cheeks heat up meaning they were a flaming red color.

      "Oh someone is blushing"

      "Shut it," I punched his arm.

       "ow!" He pouted.

       "Oh come on you know you like me hitting on you," I casually stated.

        Johnnie's eyes got huge and his cheeks flared a light pink, "Oh my god! That was a good come back!"

         "Oh I know," I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and I resumed, "Now away to your locker Johnnie boy! I'll meet you there." I leaned on my locker as I watched him carefully stay out of peoples' way to get to his locker which was in between Joey and Finn. Oh great but I won't worry about it right now. I bit my lip and watched him grab his stuff. A locker next to me slammed shut reminding me oh my headache.

           I looked over to see Zoey staring at me. "Soooo the new kid!"

           "What about Johnnie?" I asked as I switched out my last hour's materials for geometry.

           "Oh come on he is a hotness monster and you totestally dig him."

           "Number one don't use my terms and words. Two I don't and three so what if I did?" I asked Zoe stubbornly.

            She rolled her eyes, "I can say what I want and you guys would be a-door-able."

             "There you go again. God my words are awe-some but danish."

              Zoe facepalmed, "You sound like a three-year-old."

             "I know all about your type. You're the type of girl who texts all day and talks all night..."

            "Don't completely destroy Nevershoutnever and the ears of everyone in the hall!" Zoe stuck her hand over my mouth. I simply licked her hand and kicked my locker shut. "Eww, Sam!"

           "I have to get to class!" I walked off.

           "This isn't over!" She yelled at me.

          I stopped by Johnnie's locker and Pookie looks at me with a smile on his face. "You came to walk to class together? "

          Totally confused I asked, "What do you mean Joey...  I mean Pookie."

           He frowned at my slip up, "Nevermind..."

           Johnnie turned around, "Ready?"

           "Oh, yesh math! Time to have a mental bleeding!"

            Johnnie cringed, "That doesn't sound good!" He then laughed and smiled. 

             I grinned and replied as we started walking, "It doesn't feel good either. Want to hang out at lunch?"

             He gasped and put his hand on his chest, "I can't believe you'd think you'd be getting rid of me so soon." Johnnie was acting like a girl that was offended and I was just dying of laughter.

            I started snorting and giggling and almost falling the rest of the way to class. I had to hang onto Johnnie's shoulder so I had support. "Whale... here... we... are..." I said in between laughs.

            Joey passed us and looked annoyed. Zoe passed the room and pushed me so I landed on his chest. She booked it down the hall to get to class cracking up. I looked up at Johnnie's blue eyes.

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