2 - Championship Celebration

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I like it when you smile, but I LOVE it when I'm the reason..,

Ana's POV
"Come on Anno" Milan said and pulled me with him outside and Shakira came behind with Sasha and the other wags.
We got down and saw the boys taking a group picture with the trophy. All of them were so happy. I saw how happy Gerard was with Milan and Sasha.

I was lonely and then someone caught my eyes

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I was lonely and then someone caught my eyes. Neymar was also alone, but still happy. He catched me while I looked up at him and jogged to me.
"Hi, don't you have someone?" He said.
"Like? I have my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and friends"
"No, I mean a partner or something? Are you gonna stand here alone"
"Oh, no I don't have a partner. How about you, don't you have a child or partner?"
"No, I have a child but not a partner. Long story. But never mind, uh, do you wanna take a picture with the trophy?" He asked smiling.
"Sure" I said and we stood in the line. Everyone took pictures, the couples, families, players with their children.
"So, don't you think people will think we're a couple."
"Don't mind them, live your life" he said and winked.
"It's our turn" I said and changed the subject. We walked towards the trophy and both of us gave our phones to the cameraman without a camera.I stood on the left while Neymar stood on the right. I wrapped half of my arm around the trophy and just when I turned to the camera, I felt someone's hand on mine. I turned and saw Neymar's hand on my hand and when I looked at him, he just smiled and I smiled back in shock.
"You ready?" The cameraman said loudly because if the noice in the atmosphere and we turned to him. We took the pictures and walked away from the trophy to some others. But then I felt someone behind me. When I turned, I saw Gerard and looked up at him.
"You did a super job! I'm proud of you" I said and hugged him and he hugged back.
"Thank you" he said and kissed me on the cheek. "So, what does that picture you took with Neymar means?!" He asked seriously.
"Uhm, a picture with a friend" I said unsurely.
"A friend? You didn't even know him since yesterday!"
"Just a picture Geri, and that's not the right place to talk about."
"You're right, you'll see at home" he said and walked away.
"Dating teammate again?" Shakira said walking towards me.
"It's Just a picture, and he makes it a big problem."
"Don't mind him, I'll talk to him"
"Thanks" I said and Milan ran towards us.
"Anno come I want picture" he said and pulled me.
"With the trophy?" I said laughing and picked him up.
We took a picture with Milan too.
"Do you like her?" Someone asked to Milan while he was holding my hand.
"Yes!" Milanito said. I turned and saw Neymar kneeling down to Milan's height l.
"How are you buddy!" He said and did height five with Milan.
"Good!" Milan said and turned to me smiling. Milan opened his arms while helmet go of my hand and Neymar carried him and throwed Milan to the air then caught him. Milan laughed.
" how's mini buddy?" Neymar asked to Milan and carried him in his arms.
"Mini buddy?" I said.
"It's Sasha. He's good, look there in Papi."Neymar let go of Milan while he pointed to Gerard with Sasha and held my hand tighter. Neymar cupped his cheek and stood up to his high again.
"How's it going?" He asked.
"Good, how's in going for you? It's your first la Liga with Barça right?"
"Anno,and  Ney, come you join us!" Leo shouted. They were gonna take one more with the trophy.
"Me? No thanks"
"Yeah you" Xavi said and jogged to me.
"Come on you're gonna come with" he said and pull-pushed me with him.
"I'm not in the team-"
"You're our lucky charm" Xavi said and I stopped.
"Please, Xavi, just take it you guys." I said and he jogged back to the guys.
"Why don't you come" I turned to see Neymar.
"It's just guys-"
"That's the point, they love you like their sister so don't break their heart. Come" he said and pulled me by taking my hand but when he saw everyone looking at us, we both let go quickly and I joined the team picture.
"Gracias por todos" the cameraman said and then the kids joined.
Neymar's POV
I had really fun time after winning La Liga. Especially when it was against Real Madrid.
"How did you do that, what did you say to her?" Sanches.
"To Gerard's sister?"
"No, to Ana" He said seriously.
"Yeah right, that's why she didn't came with Xavi but with you"
"I just said don't broke theirs hearts and they love you."
"You mean I love you?!" He said and smirked.p but I didn't say something because I liked her "you do right? You both were so cute when you hold hands."
"It was by an accident. I didn't ment to"
"If it happened suddenly or automatically, it means that you really wanted to do it. Thats why it happened."
I nodded and he smiled and patted my shoulder.
"I mean by winning Liga" he said and we both laughed. Everyone took tons of pictures and we got to change with the guys. After I changed, I saw Gerard coming towards me and had a serious expression on his face. But he was still happy, I could see it from his eyes.
"Hi, Geri I said.
"Don't come near her again. If you flirt with her or anything like that...don't!" He said and walked away. That's what's gonna happen if you love someone who has a brother. But I don't care,she'll be mine.
"Hey everyone. We're gonna go to Neymar's to celebrate" Leo said loudly so everyone could hear.
"At 8PM" Gerard said and Then the door closed, Gerard got out.
"Lucky Neymar, his love is gonna come to his house at the first day" Dani Alves said and everyone laughed.
I ignored the fact that they made fun f me, grabbed my bag and got out.
"Oh, hi" I said when I saw Ana in front of the door. .if you're waiting for Gerard, he already went"
"No, I'm waiting for you" she said nervously.
"Didn't Geri saw you?"
"I said I'll wait to Leo and Marc." She said and  chuckled.
"So what's the reason?"
"when we took that picture, he didn't liked it so I came to ask you did he say something wrong. Because he seemed pissed" she said and bit her lower lip. Oh goodness those lips, that nervous smile and those green-blue eyes.
"He just said don't be close to her. But I don't care." I said and she smiled while i did the same.
"Ok. But be careful." She said.
"I will" I said and there was an akward silence between us.
"Uhm, see you soon. I guess" I said.
"Bye" she said and turned to walk away. Gosh that hike!
Ana's POV
"Why did you wanted to talk with Leo and Marc?" Gerard asked being usual overprotective brother.
"I just wanted to congratulate them"
"Didn't you congratulate in the field."
"Uhm, n-no"
"I don't trust you. If you are the Ana I know, you congratulated them and gave them a big and things hug"
"I did but I just-"
"Wanted to see Neymar" Shakira said next to Gerard in the front seat. I sat with Milan and Sasha in the backseat.
"No! I wanted to see Ne- Marc and Uhm... give him something, Melissa gave me earlier."
"Still lying to your brother!?" He said seriously.
"No, I don't care if you don't trust. Ask him if you want"
"Ok"he said and continued driving.
At home
"We're gonna go to celebrate with the guys" Gerard shouted after me while I walked upstairs and he took of Sasha's jacket.
"Do I need to come" I said stopping, in the middle bof the stairs.
"Yeah, Marc said bring Ana with. And I think you don't want to babysit Milan and Sasha."
"Who said that, I'd rather be here and babysit my nephews instead of going to celebrate"
"You're coming with. And I already told Nelly to come, she's on her way" nelly was Sasha's and Milan's babysitter.
"Ugh, ok fine" I said and got upstairs to my room. When I opened the door I saw my bed and jumped in. I unlocked my phone and saw thousands of notifications from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. It was the first time it happened. I got notifications but not so much in a short time. I first opened Instagram and saw that my followers has got to 125k to 390k.
Omg, and I saw a picture I was tagged in. It was actually many pictures but all was the same. The first I opened was from  the page...Wait, what?! @neymarjr ?! He had posted the picture we took with the trophy and wrote the caption "Campeones, and a nice friend...😘❤️"
"Oh god" I said under my breath. I liked the picture and then I saw him following me, oh that's why I got so many followers. Because of a football star started to follow me. Then I saw one picture. But this wasn't taken from any of the team. It was from the cameramans. It was Neymar with Milan, but just before Xavi called me to take a picture with the trophy, so I was taking Milan from Neymar. And wrote the caption."Aren't they cute together? A nice future family picture, huh?😍😏"
And many comments which said,
Yes, omg soo cutee!!😍😍🔥❤️
Probably the most beautiful couple
Holy goodness, the best pic!
I also decided to post the picture we took with Neymar, and then the one with Milan, with the team, with Anto and Shak, with Leo, Jordi, Alexis and Marc, with Milan and Gerard.
And one who I took before we got down to the field of Sasha...

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