Book 2

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You read it Joys gone just when Elsa and Hiccup thought the problems were over
Whats the fun of that having them have the best life

Anyway Book 2
Stolen for money

It's about

Hiccup and Elsa are in grieve from their lost of their precious baby girl Joy. Hiccup and Elsa searched and searched everywhere in the world. But no sign of their Baby girl.

Far from the reach of the billionaire couple hands the person who stole Joy haves Joy as their own child. Joy soon grows up . She has brownish hair and sunshine tan hair on the tips. She was born with Brown eyes in the fall and spring and summer she has blue snowflake eyes in the winter. Pale skin and little freckles it's obvious that she is Hiccup and Elsa's Daughter.

Will Hiccup and Elsa ever find their Daughter or will the kidnapper keep her as their own.

The day of update

June 1st 2016

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