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This is
Smut warning

Elsa's Pov.

I woke up in a room it was dark made if stone. No Windows. I looked around and there was a door and a bed.

I got up and went to the door. The door was locked the place was cold.

Help i screamed

The door opens to...Jack. I started to scramble to the walls far away from him as possible. When I notice.

I can run out the door lock him in I thought

Jack took a steps closer. I got up and ran I pushed him aside fast and slammed the door and locked it.

Elsa your not that smart Said Jack

He unlocked the door. I started to run then ended up in a dead end. Jack came to me and grabbed my hands and putted them in handcuffs.

He ripped my shirt off revealing my black bra. He then dragged me into a different room.

Hiccup was in there. He was strapped to a dentist chair and had a peice of cloth tied into his mouth. He started to break them.

Hiccup I yelled

I started to fight off Jack.

Hiccup you took everything from me my job my popularity my love at first sight said Jack

He let his finger tips hit my cheek. He got behind me and traced my curves making Hiccup mad he started to shake and tryed to break the leather straps.

Hiccup I remember when you had a dream said Jack

Jack took his tie off and tied the cloth around my mouth.

He had a dream to have a family with the girl he loves said Jack

And it was you Elsa he really wanted you as his Wife he wanted a family with you he loved you so much said Jack

Tears came down Hiccups face like me.

You had sex before right elsa said Jack

Goosebumps formed onto my body. Jack took my bra off that gave me a scare I tried to keep my bra on.

Hey hey said Jack

He started to drag me away.

Now what if I take away that dream said Jack

He pushed me into a room. The room was small with a red and black bed and a pole and smooth red tiles. Jack squeezed my ass and pushed me into the bed be chains my hands. Keeping my breast revealed.

Jack was then on me kissing my neck and my collarbone. I couldn't scream his hand was on my mouth.

Tears came down my face. Jack started to kiss down on my stomach.

Just wait a baby is going to be there....very soon said Jack

I started to yell through his hand. I struggled and tried to break the cuffs that had my hand up on the bed head board.

Jack took his shirt off and his buckle of his pants and unzipped.

Hey hey were not having real sex yet he says.

He took off my pants puts a condom in and started to take his pants off. He flips me around in the position. I started to struggle. Jack took his hand off my mouth and puts apart of him in.

He goes faster and faster and harder it went the further it went. I screamed and screamed. He went harder and harder and more it went faster Jack had a grip on my waist pulling me into his part.

Let that voice out I know your holding back said Jack

Thats was true I was holding back my moans. But I continued to scream. He went harder and harder and further it went my thighs began to hurt. My legs wobbled and my hips shaked.

Let it out he yells

I started to moan and moan It hurt so bad but felt so good. He opened my legs and turned me around and shoved it in my place.

Ya I knew you had that sexy voice he says

This was a living Hell and I was moaning to it.

And all I want is for me.

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