♔ 17

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Remember, everything in italics is a flashback.
Damien | November 1st, 2013 | 6:37 PM

I walked up to the White's front door not really knowing what to expect. I felt kinda crazy showing up here but when I stopped by Reina's place, all the lights were off and no cars were in the driveway so I just figured she'd be here.

I knocked on the door lightly, it immediately opened and revealed Mrs. White with a big beaming smile. "Damien! I was wondering when you'd finally come by and say hello to me. I've missed your handsome little self."

I blushed, even though she was older, Reina's mom was bad and he daughter took right after her. "I'm sorry Mrs. White, I've been so busy tryna catch up with everyone, I haven't really had time to see everybody yet."

She nodded and pulled me into the house. "I understand, but if you're looking for Reina or Gabby, they're upstairs in her old room."

"Iight thank you ma'am." I kissed her on the cheek then ran upstairs to the room that I knew all too well. I slightly opened the door and peeped them both sleeping on her old bed. I quietly entered the room and looked around, everything was the same. There were still old pictures of Reina and all of her friends, along with pictures of sonograms posted up, I'm guessing of Gabby. Her room was still the same color, her bed still contained the old sheets and she still had all of her trophies from dance and cheerleading on display. The only thing that was gone was me—all the photos she had of us were gone and all of the gifts I gave her had disappeared; They'd just vanished... Gone into thin air.

I shook my head, slightly in disappointment. Ever since I've woken up, I've felt good just fitting back into place but my heart's been crushed dealing with Reina. I had her forgiveness for a while, in the beginning but lately I've been fucking up and I can't stop. I know I fucked around with other females when we were together and I've been with other women but I can't let go of Rei, I've loved her ever sincere became friends six years ago and when we finally got together, I fell in love with her. I just wish that we could've forgotten about the past and gotten together now but she's found someone else. Shit, ion know what to do; he seems good for her and she seems really happy with him so I don't wanna get in the way of that. Yeah, I know I have Tatiana but she's that ill rebound, and we all know it.

The part that stings the most about this is not only was Rei my girl, she was my best friend and I know if she stayed my best friend and told me that some nigga was denying their child, I would've murked his ass, so why did I go and act the way I did? We used to share so many memories in this room, I still remember them like they happened yesterday because to me, they were. I still remember the first time we kissed, I was pissed off at her.

I swung open Reina's door hard as fuck, I knew she had some other nigga in there. As I walked into her room, it was quiet except for the faint sound of the tv and the humming humidifier. I walked over to Reina's bed and looked at her, lying down facing me with her cheeks all flushed and her pale looking face.

"Why did you do that?" She asked softly.

"I thought you had another nigga in here." I kneeled down beside her bed and looked at her.

"I told you I didn't feel well stupid ass."

"Well I thought you were tryna cancel plans on me and you looked perfectly fine at school today."

"School ended at two and you texted me twenty minutes ago at eleven, that's seven hours, shit changes."

"Alright Rei I'm sorry."

"You betta be, you almost scared the shit outta me and why would you even be upset if I had a nigga in here? That's none of your concern."

"True but if you were tryna stand me up for one, then I woulda been upset 'cause we were supposed to chill tonight, go somewhere and shit."

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