Chapter 11

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~Ashley's POV~

I sat on the ground behind Andy's house and watched the river flow. I don't know why I didn't walk farther away from the house; actually I do.

1. I don't know the way back home.

2. I don't know if the guys even think I'm alive.

3. I didn't want to be far away from him.

I mean, I know he broke my heart; but I don't wanna leave him. I don't know why I didn't just say fuck it and walk away from his house; I think I'm emotionally attached to him. I've never been like this to anyone else, so this was all new to me.

I laid back on my back and looked up at the sky; the sun was setting and the stars were starting to come out.

Looks like Andy won't need to wear a sweatshirt outside.

The stars were beautiful, lighting up this dark moment with their gas from billions of miles away. I was always amazed by stars ever since I was a small pup. But the longer I looked at them, the more they reminded me of Andy's eyes.

I heard the door open and heard footsteps heading in my direction. Andy sat down next to me with a MIW sweatshirt on.

"Why do you have a sweatshirt on? It's nice out and the sun's not out." I got no response right away; rather 5 minutes later.

"I just feel cold." Andy replied. That's all he said, while we sat outside watching the river flow in the dark. A half hour later, I suddenly heard small quiet sobs coming from Andy. I glanced at him and saw him wiping his eyes and biting his lip to keep his sobs quiet.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked scooting closer to him.

"It's nothing." Andy said clearing his throat.

Why is he lying to me? I can tell something's wrong... Maybe it's from our little fight.

"If it's about our fight we had; I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." I said.

"You have no reason to apologize. It's my fault I didn't tell her I wasn't into her." My heart fluttered a bit.


"I asked her out a while ago, but now I'm not so sure that it was the right choice. Because I love you more than I do her." Tears of joy were spewing out of my eyes as he said those words to me. Me.

Andy scooted closer and wiped the tears off my cheek.

"Listen," he said placing his hands on my shoulders. "I am so sorry I didn't tell you about her sooner. I just couldn't stop thinking about you that I completely forgot about her."

Aaawwwwww!! That's so sweet.

He leaned in closely as his soft lips connected with mine.

"Ok Andy, I forgive you; on one condition."

"And that is?"

"To tell Juliet that you're not interested in her. I don't do that 'side dating' stuff; especially if she doesn't know about us." I replied. I could see Andy was full of thought, probably on how he's gonna break the news to Juliet.

"Ok, I promise I'll break the news to her." Andy said after a long pause. I lunged at him for a hug as he collapsed to the ground. His laugh is the cutest thing you'll ever hear. We stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever.

"Your eyes remind me of a sunrise over a wheat field on a nice summer morning." He whispered to me with a half grin on his face. I hid my face in his chest as I could feel my face getting warm and started to hurt a bit. I rested my chin on his chest when I felt my face die down a bit.

"Your eyes remind me of looking at a blue galaxy at the bottom of the ocean in the middle of the night." I said as I quickly hid my face again. I heard him giggle a bit then I felt his hand stroke my head.

"You're adorable." Andy said to me as the stars twinkled in his eyes. His bright, white smile could replace the moon. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kisses his nose.

"You wanna go inside? It's getting a bit chilly out here." Andy said rubbing my arms. I nodded and followed him back inside the cozy little house.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Andy asked looking at a shelf by the TV full of movies.

"Sure." I replied. I went in the kitchen to see if he had any popcorn around. When I found the popcorn, I put it in the microwave and put in the numbers for it to start cooking; while Andy was still searching for a movie.

"Looking for a specific movie?" I asked jokingly. He turned around and rolled his eyes at me with a cute little grin on his face.

"Found it! Finally!" Andy shouted as he put the DVD in the DVD player. The popcorn was done and I put it into a big bowl for us to share.

"So, what movie is it?" I asked as I took a bit of the popcorn.

"You'll see." Andy replied as he grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch. I sat down next to him and set the bowl on his lap. After all the little previews, the main menu finally arrived.

"Strange Magic?" I asked as a bunch of little fairies flew across the screen and punk rock music was playing in the background.

"Have you ever seen it?" He asked looking at me with a very shocked expression. I shook my head slowly and cautiously. Andy tossed his head back and grunted.

"You'll love it." Andy said as he pressed the play button. "I know it may seem childish and girly, but it has a deep message in it."


Well Andy was right, that movie did have a deep message in it. When the movie was over I looked over at him and saw that Andy was asleep. It was so cute and adorable. I played the movie again, set the popcorn on the floor, and rested my head on his lap. Just as my head got comfy, Andy woke up.

"The movie ended, so I replayed it and was gonna sleep by you." I said as his tired eyes tried to collect his surroundings. Andy repositioned himself to where he was laying on the couch. I had my back against the back of the couch as I wrapped my right leg over his waist, and rested my head on his chest.

"I love you." I whispered to him, not really expecting a reply back.

"I love you too." Andy replied in a tired voice. I snuggled closer to him as he ran his right hand through my hair, and his left hand rubbing my hand. I fell asleep instantly as I felt his chest rise and sink slowly.

I love this man with all my heart and I don't ever wanna let him go. I love you Andy.

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