Teahyung(V): Oppa and me

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You we're walking down the park while sipping hot chocolate as your breakfast drink.

You got tired and wanted to sit down on the benches near the ponds and the rose bushes. But there was no more extra seat for you.

You continued to walk by the path to find a bench to sit in since your legs and toes can no longer do their job. You tried to stop for a while and took a deep breath then you continued to find a seat.

A few hours later. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



"Y/N! Yes I finally contacted you."

"Della is that really you?"

"Yes. Oh and I'm going home tomorrow from my trip hope to see you soon at my sleep over tomorrow night."

"Don't worry I'll be there for the sleep over."

The line ended and you continued to walk home since you we're tired of roaming around a busy park.

While walking down the side of the streets you noticed a stay puppy.

You picked it up.

"Hello cutie tootie."
You saw an owners name on it's collar.

"Teahyung? Who's that puppy?"

The puppy wagged his tail and barked.

You wanted to keep him but suddenly............

"Puppy where are you!" You heard a voice of a boy.

You turned at him to see a cute and handsome face, you fell for his charm without even noticing that he felt for you since the time you turned back at him.

The boy who seemed like a kid but was at his twenties thanked you for returning him.

"Thanks for returning puppy. What's your name?"

You answered him, "I'm Y/N."

"Wah what a beautiful name, beautiful like you."

You instantly turned red as he said that.

"Thanks. And you are?"

"I'm Teahyung but you can call me V.

You two we're staring at each other deeply in love.

You switched numbers after getting to know each other.

You went back home all you can think of now was Teahyung.

Your phone had a message from Della.

It says that she will cancel the party and continue it next week.

During those days you and V talked together and would go out for coffee and hot choco.

He would always bring his dog with him.

Your relationship became stronger every moment you bond together

When you went to the party of your friend time finally came when you talked about boys. Many discussed about their BF's.

When your friend asked you about yours you instantly said,

"Teahyung. Teahyung and ME."

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