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'You have to marry her,' said Rodney. 'You can't walk away from this one.' Rodney sipped his beer. 'What I'm saying is that you've been tangled up with some bloody good sorts in your time but have you taken a close look at this one?'

'Yes,' said Ben.

'Of course you have. How stupid of me! You've examined every inch of that bloody amazing body and I'm still trying to work out what attracts these women to you. It can't be you of yourself passé because you are not a spring chicken if you know what I mean and you do have lines.'

'Everyone has lines,' said Ben.

'Some more than others and especially when you are well over 50.'

'I'm not well over 50.'

'You're 53.'

'Not yet,' said Ben.

'Next month. That's as close to 53 as you'll get until you are actually 53 and then it's all downhill from there.'

'You're not a very nice man,' said Ben. 'I don't know what Rose sees in you.'

'Animal magnetism.'


'Animal magnetism,' said Rodney.

'Then we must have the same thing,' said Ben. 'I had a wild horse recently think I was a bit special. She saved my life as you already know.'

'That's not quite the animal magnetism I was talking about,' said Rodney. 'Perhaps you are using a special exotic aftershave?'


'What is it? I'll have to get some.'

'You're married...remember.'

'Oh yes. It still wouldn't hurt.'

'Midnight in Flemington saleyard.'


'My aftershave. That's what it's called.'

'But that's where they sell sheep and things.'

'The smell turns women on,' said Ben.

'You're full of shit.' Rodney sat forward. 'Listen to her in there with Rose, laughing and chatting as they cook dinner. Rose would never entertain fools gladly.'

'Neither would I,' said Ben. 'That's why I often wonder why I...'

'Shut your mouth. You are a guest in my house.'

'Who said I was going to mention you?'

'Well it wouldn't be Rose and I'm the only one left who lives in this house,' said Rodney.

'It's all worked out for the best,' said Ben as he sipped his red wine. 'Charlie is about to be divorced from her husband and move on with her life and he'll do some time in the caboose.'

'Not enough,' said Rodney. 'Odd that he made full admissions about trying to kill his wife don't you think? All they had on him was insurance fraud.'

Ben shrugged his shoulders. 'Perhaps he was remorseful about trying to get Charlie.'

'The hell he was,' said Rodney. He leaned forward. 'I know from what you told me that she's had some work done upstairs, but tell me...how do they feel? Can you tell that something else is packed in there?'

'Her cheeks and lips feel fine to me,' said Ben.

'I'm not talking about her face and lips damn it!'

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