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'Why haven't you found her? I want her dead! I'm going to be interviewed by the Fraud Squad tomorrow and they'll probably lay charges and I may not get bail for a while. I want the bitch found and killed. Are you listening to me?'

'Ben Hood will lead us to her. He didn't go to any great lengths to hide his trip from Australia to Luganville on Santo but he must have realised that we were following.'

'What!' Reginald Noah banged his fist on the desk top. 'How could you have been that stupid?'

'Careful sir,' said the man with the short red hair and thick black glasses. 'You insult professionals like us and you are likely to get into a bit of trouble if you know what I mean.'

'Just find them and get them! If you stuff up I'll send others out to finish your work and finish you as well if necessary.'

'Are you threatening me sir?'

'Fucking oath you moron,' said Noah. 'If my wife and Hood are not dead within the next 2 days you will not receive final payment and I'll send others after you. I'm fed up with you people. Do your job and get paid. Fuck up and you won't get paid and you'll be looking over your shoulders for a long time until you get taken down. Are we clear on this?'

'You sound very desperate Mr. Noah.'

'How intuitive of you to think so. I'm out to hurt people and I've spent a considerable amount of money in order to achieve that goal. If I'm going down, my darling wife will go down before me and anyone who stuffs up in my plan to achieve that goal will suffer greatly. I'm sure you understand.'

'We'll do our best sir.'

'Lovely. Perhaps you are starting to appreciate my position.'

'Yes Mr. Noah.'

'Get on with it then.'

Noah removed the sim card from his mobile phone and burnt it in an ash tray. He poured straight vodka into a glass. It was going to be a long night. He took his time going through photo albums and then photos stored on his lap top. He eventually found what he was looking for. Charlie looked so beautiful. The photo was taken when they had been together for less than 2 years. Things weren't going well between them but they had kept up public appearances. It was a photo stored on his computer. He zoomed in on her gold bracelet and enhanced the image. The image was a bit grainy but suddenly he knew where she had gone. He put another sim card into his phone and punched in a number.

'She's on Malo Island in Vanuatu and in a house on one of the mountains called Ruby House.'

'Are you sure sir?'

'Get her!'

'Yes Mr. Noah.'

'I want photographs of her body.'

'That might be a little difficult.'

'How difficult could that be? Kill her and then take some photographs of her body. I want photographs damn it!'

'We don't usually work like that.'

'Then I'll send someone else,' said Noah.

'We'll do our best sir.'

'Yes. You said that before. It would be in your best interests to do just that.'

Noah pulled the back off his mobile phone, pulled out the sim card and replaced it with another card. He dialled a number. 'It's Reginald. I need a small girl...a young know what I like.'

'Reginald. You old fox. I thought you had forgotten all about me.'

'How could I possibly do that darling? You are the source of my life. You provide me with all the kinky little pleasures I require...even a boy once.'

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