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Rodney Reid changed the phone to his left ear and sipped a beer. 'So you keep your bloody phone off so no one, including me, can get hold of you. What were you thinking Ben?'

'I was sorting through things.'

'Like I said before and am now supported by the experts, there is nothing wrong with you sexually other than the usual change of life shit.'

'I'm not going through change of life damn it! My work brings me in contact with very beautiful and desirable women from time to time.'

'Clients. Can I point out that most of them are fucking clients.'

'Charlie Noah is not a client,' said Ben. 'I'm helping her out because of...because of...'

'Oh dear. Oh bloody dear,' said Rodney.

'You've obviously seen a photograph of her?'

'Yes,' said Rodney.


'Okay, go for her. She's gorgeous. Knock yourself out.'

'Reginald Noah has a contract on her life.'

'I'm sure you can handle things from that end,' said Rodney.

'I don't want the fraud people in Australia to bugger up the brief. You know who to contact.'

'Yes I know who to contact.'

'I'm taking her out for dinner at this lovely place by the ocean.'

'I see.'

'When was the last time you took Rose out?'

'I don't remember,' said Rodney.

'If you were poor or on the pension, you would have an excuse. You are not poor or on the pension. What's your problem?'

'People look at me if I don't wear my artificial foot.'

'Then wear it.'

'It hurts Ben. The damn thing hurts.'

'Then get a new one. You've got the money.'

'Have you been talking to Rose?'

'All the time. We phone each other and talk about you all the time.'

'Fuck you.'

Charlie was dressed in a white evening gown which only just cupped her large breasts and then fell away in a swirl of silk and embroidery. Her sandals were gold. Her long black hair was tied up behind her head with a few strands falling across her forehead. She had a touch of pink lipstick on her full lips. She turned slowly for Ben to inspect. 'Your eyes are brown,' he said.

'Yes,' she replied. 'I wear contact lenses to make them blue. Are you disappointed?'

'No,' said Ben. 'So you've had a boob job and wear contact lenses to change the colour of your eyes. Is there anything else I should know about?'

'I don't think so. Perhaps that is for you to discover.'

'You're not a transsexual are you?'

'She gave that special throaty laugh. 'You are such a funny guy. Would you like to check me out?'

'It's just that I had a recent shock,' said Ben. 'It was at a doctor's surgery actually. It wasn't anything physical mind you...'

'Come and touch me Ben.'

' will be alright. I trust you.'

'I don't think I've ever met anyone like you actually.'

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